Sunday, December 12, 2010

SWEDEN Probes Terrorist Attack

Update: The worthless cowards in Sweden didn't identify him because they want to hide the truth of Islam from you,Al Queda identified him;

"It is our brother, mujahid Taymour Abdel Wahab, who carried out the martyrdom operation in Stockholm," it said. The photograph showed a man in dark glasses and Western clothes.

The West has become so demented that they refuse to call it what it is .
 Another Islamic Terrorist Attack 
They are so sick in Sweden that they will not even give us the name of this jihadist yet ?

Here is the problem with the West

Not long ago a moral world could easily come out and call the Nazi ideology and their deeds EVIL but today even Israel which suffers daily from the Islamic ideology cannot bring themselves to call it evil. This is evidence that the brainwashing of the masses with moral relativism has been successful. The EVIL higher education system has removed good vs evil from the thought process.
Amoral people  have no concept of God's laws and are incapable of distinguishing from good and evil.
The body's immune system is no longer working.
This is why the decaying,decadent West cannot defend itself against the onslaught of EVIL Islam and instead goes out of it's way to protect and defend it as 'sick' Israel does under the lie of tolerance.
You don't tolerate evil unless you are mad !


  1. Marcel,

    I think I'm as tired of TOLERANCE as you are.

    Seems like the whole world has gone mad, deceiving and being deceived. It never ends.

    If it wasn't for His grace, we'd be just as loopy (is that a word? ) ha
    God Bless


  2. Greetings...So right on how silence pervaded the West during Nazi Germany 's war against Israel.History is repeating itself..WOW

    This incident has confirmed to me how demonic Islam is demonic.

  3. This newspaper is prepared to tell it how it is.

    "Police were investigating Abdulwahab’s British connections last night. Neighbours in Luton suggested that his wife, who herself has fundamentalist views, and their children are still living there.

    The involvement of a student from a British university in yet another terrorist incident will raise fresh questions about admissions to UK universities, and the radicalisation of Muslim students when studying in this country."
    The Swedish Police are suggesting he acted alone. They must think that we are all stupid.

  4. Did you see the article where the Swedes are shocked and surprised that it could happen to them ?
    The godless leftist idiots are waking up too late,as the infection has metathesized.
    They thought they were immune because they were so nice to the death cult and so abusive of Israel.

    Those who lead the West tolerate this evil Islam and go out of their way to defend and protect it because they are evil themselves.

    This shows without a doubt the end of Western civilization which has rejected to only Rock of hope and salvation, Jesus Christ and turned against Israel and the Jews to curry favor with evil Islam.

    God has put it in their evil hearts to allow Islam to rise up and threaten the West for our judgment.

    Job 12:19-25 addresses the God induced suicidal stupidity now prevalent from Australia to Europe.

    Being in Christ is our only place of safety and hope.
