Saturday, January 08, 2011

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

Iran aligned Muqtada al-Sadr's influence and rise in Iraq is another nail in the coffin for America's global influence and deep,deep pockets of worthless dollars.
In fact it's one of the biggest blunders in America history,undoing Saddam Hussein's Sunni split with Iran .
What actually did the invasion and occupation buy ?
Funny how Israel is the only nation bashed for 'occupation' and no one else, isn't it ?
It's all proven self destructive much like Rome's final days before collapse .
Just like Job wrote about God's direct influence in the affairs of nations and their stupefied wise men.
I think you's have to be under the influence or a blind man not to see the handwriting on the wall for the proud nation.In fact the handwriting could fill an encyclopedia.
 moral,economic,spiritual,growing lawless criminal population, education,mental and physical health.
In all these areas we have declined sharply as the lawless,criminal population has risen astronomically.

After trillion dollars wasted , hundreds of thousands dead and wounded in America's useless foreign intervention in Iraq, President Bush's legacy is as President Jimmy Carter's ; They advanced the rise of the evil tide of Islam across the globe an in the U.S.
President Bush's legacy is an extremist radical Islamist Iran and Iraq united against Israel and the West.
The elite fools will never admit their incredible blunder because it would expose them for the idiots that they are.
The fraud conservative hero of the right George Bush was the first US president to 'celebrate' Ramadan in the White House and call for the dividing up of Israel to create another Islamic state in their heartland.
And yet Israel and Conservative Christians were too prostrate and drunk on the tainted political Kool-Aid to see his evil agenda.
The Israeli idol worshipers believed that the spread of American democracy would moderate Islam and save the world.How naive!
Obama is just the topping on this decadent,rotting corpse of a nation.  

Mookie's Mahdi Army
America got her money's worth in Iraq.
This is the biggest blunder in American history which is another of many wake up calls from God to Israel to look to him and not this useless idol which can neither save or deliver.

After decades of poisoning the American people with toxic fluoride chemicals dumped into the water supply, the CDC today issued a warning that fluoride was causing permanent harm to tens of millions of people.

This is one of the many reasons why most Americans are so screwed up and so easily led by the nose by the Council on Fourth Reich . 

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