Tuesday, January 18, 2011

End Time Babylon

Babylon the great world empire was a religious,economic and military superpower of it's day.
After it's downfall, the demonic,spiritual principality behind Mystery Babylon's global empire moved to the Greek Empire and then to the Roman Empire and it was always religious,economic and millitary.
Modern day Catholic Rome is paganized Christianity minus economic and military power.
The doubleminded religious idol worshipers in America ignore that it is the US which formed the U.N.and at the forefront pushing the new world order, global satanic government and that it is the U.S. leading Satan's drive to divide Jerusalem and Israel.
I think the primary reason so many Christians in America find it easy to suspend reason and gravitate toward Rome is because they are serving 2 Masters.
They claim to serve the Kingdom of God but the Kingdom of Babylon sits on the throne in their heart. They become greatly offended when their cherished idol is besmirched with the truth that America is end time Babylon.

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