Sunday, January 30, 2011

Warning signs for America

Don't believe everything the media is saying.
Thousands of Islamic terrorists and radicals freed from prisons in Egypt, says ABC news, not the hundreds they are saying at the link here.
The death count is also much higher.
I don't have any doubt that everything will now move much quicker in end times bible prophecy.
Matthew 24 is a good chapter to carefully and prayerfully read to learn what is to come shortly.    

How long before we see whats happening in Egypt start happening in America's streets ? 
The warnings signs are everywhere but a big one that most Christians in America ignore is the part the US has played in dividing Israel and Jerusalem ;
"And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it."
Zechariah 12:3

The warning from God is totally ignored by the comatose Church which is soon to feel the effects of God's plain spoken word,His cut in pieces judgment.

"Why are we treated like this?"he asked."We will get rid of this regime."

"The personal humiliations are exacerbated by a sense of national shame at a series of failures that throw into relief Egypt's  America's slide from cutural and political trendsetter of the Arab  free world to a country beseiged by poverty,illiteracy,corruption and official incompetence."

Warning sign to Israel
Israeli prime minister Netanyahu is still holding out hope when it is clear beyond any doubt that things will get much worse.
Every fool in Israel who put their trust in the U.S. and the evil 2 state solution can now see the handwriting on the wall for ignoring HaShem and chasing after their false god for peace and security.
Bibi is still in deep denial and will eventually have to pull his head out of the dregs of failed US policy and face reality.There is no peace  coming without seeking God FIRST.
Your idol America is finished.

The expert government fools are speechless on the rapid downfall of their favorite Dictator of Egypt Hosni Mubarak.
Especially the expert fools of Israel who have been nursing on the poisoned teat of America's evil  2 state Road Map to hell agenda.
The chickens have come home to roost and Israel is waking up very late to the trap they have fallen into for ignoring God's peace plan and trusting in their inept and tarnished American Idol. 
The days of the idol worshipers of Israel are numbered.
Return to the Lord will there is still time.


  1. Greetings.Yes,you are right on ,Israel now has to stand with her Saviour YHWH .What is happening in Egypt is so significant because if Mubarak is replaced by a Muslim,whether moderate or radical,Israel will BE ALONE in the Middle East.

    Already the changes in Lebanon have set up a War cabinet,a Islamic Exiled Leader has returned to Tunisia..the Islamic Alliance is being set up against Israel.WAR IS ON.

  2. Like you said this is MAJOR.
    Major war is around the corner and Israel weakened by the U.S. peace scam will have to use her nukes against Egypt,Lebanon,Syria
    (I don't know about Jordan ?)
    that is why these countries are nor mentioned in Ezekiel 38.

    Israel will have to begin to lead as Jeremiah 51:17-26 says.
    They've been relying on the mother,Uncle Scam's poison milk to do it.

    Everey end time indicator is picking up speed.Look for the chief divider of Jerusalem and Israel,America to fall faster than Egypt soon.
    The Church here is dead asleep and ignore God's warning to the people and nation which divides Israel ;CUT IN PIECES (Zechariah 12:3) is coming soon to America.
    I wrote this talkback at Cariline Glick's Jerusalem Post article on what is going on last week.

    "This is an ill wind blowing in Israel's direction and it's going to shut up the idealists and pragmatists for good.
    As you pointed out,what we see spreading across more and more Arab countries also reminds me of what happened with Hamas' 'democratic' takeover of Gaza.
    All of these developments are quite pleasing to the Mad Mahdi Clan of Iran.
    To those not drunk on the fake peace fumes it's evident that things are about to get much worse.
    The popular uprisings bode ill for the U.S. and it's dying influence in the region.
    The handwriting is on the wall in big,boldface.
    Prepare for the biggest and worst war ever fought because when the dust settles Israel will be the primary focus and next target as the cause for all that ails the Arab street.
    This is the price Israel pays for her pragmatic,idealist Covenant with Death,Road Map to hell and it has arrived at the doorstep."
