Saturday, February 05, 2011

As We Wait for the Tsar to Abdicate


  1. The affairs in Egypt go far beyond what is being reported. We need to remember that there were elections in the Gaza area after Israel left and they elected radicals into the gov. I predict the same thing will happen in Egypt if the military does not get a handle on things over there. Arabs are not used to democracy as we know it and the many years are needed to establish systems that are accountable to each other, checks and balances for the judicary, the military, the legislature, etc. No group of people can wake up one morning and declare themselves a democratically elected government!

    I would hope that the US Intelligence agencies and the Pentagon are in Egypt as I write to retrieve all records that may exist since 2001 terror attack. Egypt is one place where western governments sent suspected terrorists for interrogation and information. Since our government is not allowed to "torture" suspects for information, on occasion if the capture was a big find I am sure they were sent to a nation that would know more than we do here in the West how to successfully retrieve necessary info.

    Have a good weekend! Thanks for the opportunity to voice my opinion on a very serious situation

  2. 'We need to remember that there were elections in the Gaza area after Israel left and they elected radicals into the gov'

    You can always be counted on to rewrite history and leave out the important details.

    It was the U.S Government under G.W.B. which threatened and forced PM Sharon to begin implementing his 2 state final solution in 2005.
    It was President Bush who interfered again and called for 'free' elections in the Hamastan he helped create.
    The same 'evil' government restrained Israel from defeating Hizbollah and Hamas.

    The u.s. will reap the whirlwind for it's evil agenda of dividing Israel,it's betrayal and arrogant interference in the affairs of other nations especially Israel.

    You are only concerned about hiding
    the truth to protect the idol you religiously serve.
