Saturday, February 12, 2011

Egypt and the Iraq Model

While the delusional and ignorant media across the globe join in the celebration of Egypt's newfound democracy they ignore reality.
Egypt's future is comparable to the aftermath following the downfall of Saddam Hussein and the birth of Islamic style democracy in Iraq.
Hamas, Hezbollah,Al Queda and other Islamists will be drawn there to make trouble.
They will use the Sinai even more as a base to attack and draw Israel into a greater war with Egypt.
Watch for factional power grabs and the ensuing breakdown bringing Egyptian army intervention.

The Egyptian people fed on hatred of Israel and the Jews,bred from birth on antisemitism by their religious teachers and leaders will not be gifted with freedom and democracy by the Creator of the Universe who happens to be a Jew.
They will be the recipients of more sorrow and suffering than they had under Mubarak.

This is all very bad for Israel and many are awakening from their drunken fakepeace binge.

JCS Admiral Mullen is coming to Israel to get them back into a drunken stupor.
They don't want Israel to wake up so it's more lies and delusions Washington needs to feed the addicted leaders of Israel.

In Iraq we have the never ending Muslim on Muslim terrorist attacks and bombings,that is Islamic demon-o-cracy.
The same 'democratic' scenario is being played out in Afghanistan nearly 10 years after we arrived.
It's futile,it's hopeless because Islam and freedom do not mix. 
The weakness of democracy is the best incubator for radical Islam to breed and infect the targeted host country.
Those living in the real world can see Iran's influence over Iraq after President Bush's major fiasco.
America of many major fiasco's has advanced a mega move of ugly Islam's global rise with it's betrayal of Egypt's Mubarak.
This is a time to mourn and not celebrate.
I believe we will see the beginning of of Isaiah 19 coming to pass shortly.
The Egyptian people's celebration will be short lived and they will mourn for the good old days.
Egypt will slide down to hell as sure as allah is Satan.
The good news in all of this is that Israel is awakening from it's long seduction to the false peace agenda of their idol,the U.S.
For so long Israel has looked to the US as a positive influence in the region.
It's all been a lie.
The end result of America's policies have brought a negative balance sheet to Israel.
After Bush, Iraq and Afghanistan,Pakistan,Lebanon are more extremist anti-Israel Islamic states.
After King of Darkness Hussein Obama's visit's to Turkey and *Egypt they have become more anti-Israel Islamic states.

What Israel needs more than anything is a strong leader with real faith and Netanyahu the lackey is anything but that leader.

* An easy forecast to make-Egypt will become more anti-Israel and another extremist Islamic state,thanks in large part to the U.S.

Also, there is a reason Egypt,Lebanon,Syria and Jordan are not mentioned in the Ezekiel 38 confederation of nations coming against Israel in the last days.
That is because Israel at war will have wiped them out, nuked them so they are no longer a threat.
Nuclear war is coming thanks to America's weakening of Israel under their evilfakepeace agenda.

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