Monday, February 21, 2011

The Fuse is Lit

Who would not fear You, O King of the nations? Indeed it is Your due!
For among all the wise men of the nations And in all their kingdoms,
There is none like You.
But they are altogether stupid and foolish
In their discipline of delusion--their idol is wood!
But the LORD (of Israel) is the true God;He is the living God and the everlasting King
At His wrath the earth quakes,And the nations cannot endure His indignation.

Thus you shall say to them, "The gods that did not make the heavens and the earth will perish from the earth and from under the heavens."
Jeremiah 10

After 4 separate and ineffective UN Security Council resolutions bringing sanctions against Iran (the latest last summer being to stop and inspect Iranian ships for weapons and other sanctioned cargo) the U.S.and the West have proven incapable,fearful, impotent, all bluster and empty threats.
That is who and what Israel has placed their trust in,worthless,lying idols that cannot save.
The Iranian warships bring longer range missiles to Hezbollah and Syria.
Because Israel has been weakened and restrained by the false peace process led by the U.S. Israel's does nothing and waits on the U.N. and U.S. to do nothing.
Just as they did nothing under U.N. resolution 1701 to stop Hezbollah from rearming in Lebanon and just as the ICC's investigation into Rafik Hariri assassination has done nothing but pontificate, just as they have done with Sudan's Al Bashir's genocide against the people in Darfur.
With Libya's Qaddafi commiting genocide against his own people you would think by now that someone would have called for an emergency session of the U.N InSecurity Council ,but no, that venue is only reserved for Muslims and the rest of the world to attack Israel with.
We are in very dark and evil times and the majority are not aware until the blood flows down their own streets.
Iran and Islam are greatly emboldened and Israel is in greater danger than it's ever been in thanks to the false peace agenda Israel has swallowed whole instead of listening to their God.

Iran directs Islam to targets U.S.

They also hate America because they believe that without support from America the Muslim world could easily destroy Israel.
The reason to destroy Israel is a religious one because as any scholar knows Islam is a political movement as well as a religious one and cannot tolerate non-Muslim countries, which they regard as part of the “Umma,” as well as a longer term objective of conquering the world for Islam.  This is chiseled into their texts, as is part and parcel of their faith and not some radical concept within Islam as even some of the conservative commentators like to let on; so they can escape the label “racist.”  Again our media and our leaders are unwilling to identify the issues because we have deluded ourselves and offer appeasement because of the oil supply and the discomfort of taking strong action to protect our interests and freedom.
keith davies ,
exerpt from email.

"It's like a pressure cooker.People are boling up inside.I'm not even afraid anymore.Once I
wouldn't have spoken at all by phone.Now I don't care."

”so the protesters cannot get hold of them,to use them to fight.” He said a number of people have been killed in 
the attack.
There is a war,a revolution going on in Mexico,across the street from El PASO and our worthless leaders waste our military away in failed foreign adventures and occupations in far away Afghanistan and Iraq.
Our evil government has purposefulness kept the border wide open so that this has already spread into the U.S.

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