Thursday, February 10, 2011

James Clapper is either an incompetent fool, a liar or both

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper : "Muslim Brotherhood largely secular",has eschewed violence.
No doubt this is why Hussein Obama picked him for the job.


Last week British P.M. James David Cameron finally admitted that the great globalist new world order experiment, multiculturalism had failed.
Today President Sarkozy admitted the same failure for France in integrating the Islamic hordes they imported into the country by the millions.
What they are both saying/admitting in a round about way is ;
We are stupid and don't know what we are doing,but rest assured the rest of you will pay dearly for our mistakes.
The idiots in the U.S Government have yet to learn what the British,German's and the French have all figured out too late.

 ' The comment followed weeks of anguished debate sparked by the huge popularity of a book by a central banker saying that immigrants, in particular Muslims, were making Germany "more stupid." '

Look around ,you'll have to admit we're way ahead of the Germans with "more stupid" here in the U.S.starting with the beltway buffoons,just one big sewer hole, O.

rebellion against God,perversion and wickedness makes people and nation's stupid,stumbling in the darkness.
The results of our decadence are all around us.


  1. British Prime Minister's name is David Cameron, Marcel.
    He was famous as being pally with everyone and said to people "Call me Dave" prior to his election.
    I suppose he now says "Call me Prime Minister"!
    Anyway, he and the British foreign minister, William Hague are both anti Israel, criticizing them over the MV Marmara incident and also for use of so called "disproportionate" force in Gaza.
    The UK government is no friend of Israel, and the time has already come when the Zechariah 14 vv 1-2 prophecy has come true. Israel has all countries turned against her.
    Time is short, there is only one place to put trust, in Jesus Christ the son of the living God, and nowhere else.

  2. thank you for the correction.I just figured him for a James as I had the pathetic James Clapper on my mind.
    Dave it is.
    Whats really comforting in all of this is Obadiah 15, the treacherous betrayers of the West who feed Israel to the rabid dogs all get their due in short order.
    God has called Israel to be his war club and after all the years of U.S.,E.U.,U.N.restraint the gloves come off.
    Israel's nuclear club is soon to come out of the closet.
    Jeremiah 51:20
