Friday, February 25, 2011

Sodomy Nation's Always Fall

There is a 'built in' toxic ingredient which destroys every nation which accepts the abomination of homosexuality.
Look around, America is in moral,economic,political,military and religious collapase.
A nation in collpase,it's engine running on fumes has no friend to warn her of it's terminal condition and so the party goes on as it did in Belzhazar's Babylon before their abrupt end.
It's always the same ,the slaughtered sheep didnt' see it coming.
In this queer nation that America has become it is inevitable that once stalworth and wise institutions like the FBI are reduced to incompetence and usleless empty shell's of their previous abilities.
Non stop stupidity is about all that can be found between the lines of a government media whose fallen duty is covering up the incompetence and corruption.
The trained FBI negotiator with the Somali Pirates handed out a death sentence to the four Americans on the yacht by
seizing the Pirate he was making a deal with.
As they did with the U.S.Army's own Muslim terrorist murderer, Major Hasan Nidal they will probally promote him for his incompetence and failure.
The Navy is inept because of the political correctness that has already destroyed this nation.
When the experts are idiots ,there is not much hope for the nation.    

The perverse poison that destroys nations from within began to fall on the branches and has now reached the roots and killed the tree.
This cursed nation is in it's final stage of decomposition and rot.
Tolerance for evil which long ago destroyed the Democrats has now brought down every American institution from the military which has not won a war since Vietnam to the unaccountable CIA ,Homeland Security,TSA DNI,NSA which have all proved to be inept bloated ,overpaid fools to the Republicans who proved as corrupt as the Democrats after eight years of their fraud global, leftist George Bush.
The dead men crawling who don't see how far down the hole they have fallen.A superpower incapable of ending the scourage of a few Somali Pirates is not a superpower except in the art of blowing hot air and keeping the lie alive.
These same incompetent fools at the helm have made the problem's much worse than they were in the beginning.
And for that we pay these worthless public servants high salaries when in fact they should be in chains for dereliction of duty and criminal negligence.

 With all of this reality on the decadent, terminal nation it beggs the question .
Why is Israel still placing her hope in this devious,lying, filthy and perversion infected nation,no longer a superpower but a cracked shell, and not returning to their clean,holy,honest and loving God ?

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