Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Two Ring Circus of Netanyahu and Barak

Yesterday Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu gave the green light for 300 *radical Muslims from Lybia to enter Judea and Samaria, the same Netanyahu who keeps tearing down Jewish homes there.
Is he that naive or just crazy in a dangerous way to please his White House pimp by helping the enemy Fatah (who are soon united with Hamas) against Israel ?
His loyal Likud backers are still standing with him because they have no where else to run.
So they stay with the sinking ship now below the water line.
He does as he pleases because he knows his useful idiots are just that.

Today Netanyahu's sidekick, the delusional nut Defense Minister Ehud Barak opened his mouth with fanciful hopes and dreams of the ShiMoon Peres variety on the upheaval in the Arab world.
He wants to be Mubarak's water boy in Sharm el Sheikh as long as there are daily photo ops.

Hamas fired 2 Iranian rockets into Israeli cities and Israel's weak and fearful response was to give Hamas time to escape their headquarters and send small firecrackers that injured a few of the enemy.
Losers are in charge and Iran laughs at the two clowns of Israel.
Israel and the West are all deer in the headlights as Iran does as it pleases.
They know that Israel and the West are afraid to set off the conflaguration that is surely coming.
So make no mistake about it Iran is in charge while Obama blows smoke and Israel's dynamic duo focus on tearing down Jewish homes and importing more Islamic terrorists to pleace the checkers player in the White House.
Israel is in serious trouble because the faithless fools in charge hitched ISRAEL's wagon to the cursed and failed U.S agenda of land for sheol.
Sheol is coming to foolish,naive and now weakened Israel.

(*When it comes to Israel,Muslim radical is a given)

In the mean time ;

UN sanctions are a big joke

The impotence and weakness of the West is so palpable that Iran and her fellow mad Islamic Mahdi cultists are drooling.They know they can wipe the floor with the checkers player in the White House.

Last July the U.N. Security Council set in motion a fourth round of sanctions against Iran including the boarding and inspection of suspected Iranian ships.
To this date the fearful West has yet to enforce anything and Iran can smell the weakness all the way up the Suez into the Med.
Israel would not dare enforce the UN. sanctions and stop Iranian war ships from delivering weapons to Hezbollah by way of Latkia Syria and so the lost clown and Netanyahu  sidekick, Ehud told us that there were no weapons on the ship.
How amazing that he can know this without inspection ?

The reality we are faced with is that major war is imminent and just one inspection will very likely set it off.

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