Thursday, March 03, 2011

Israel's appeasement and weakness brings global contermpt

In the face of the dragon's (Satan's) onslaught against Israel it is time to show unbending resolve and strength and not  weakness day in and day out. Without men of real faith it is not possible.
So the real crisis in Israel is a lack of faith among the leadership.

The rise of Islam's global dominance is not hard to miss.
The first clue for the naive and the blind is how willingly and determined the West is to throw Jews and ISRAEL to the wolves.
Today, U.S President Hussein Obama targeted Israel to 'do some soul searching', and get serious about peace, not his fellow Muslim jihad terrorists.
If this does not wake you up then you're already dead men walking.

Hitler's Black Muslim spokesmouth in Chicago blames Jews for Islam's troubles  
Farrakhan and the rising Nazi spirit in America.
The same evil spirit that moved Haman to act is not dead.
They all downplayed this kind of demonization of Jews in Hitler's Germany,that is almost everyone.
The fact that the left and the right and the President are silent speaks volumes.
This is a wake up call for Jews in America but most will not.

Devout Muslim In Germany murders American military in cold blood ..... and the liars,deceivers and fools in U.S. government media don't know why he did it. The morons are in charge.

'When the wicked bear rule the people mourn'


America's Middle Class in melt down

The daily stress in America rises daily like a pressure cooker and more and more average citizens snap under the pressure.
It's impossible to keep standing with the flood water beating you down unless you put your trust in Someone bigger than the flood. Self  as God never works as the devil has learned.
 If they put their faith,hope and trust in Messiah Jesus,the Living God,they would have His strength to walk and endure unto the end.
All of this is part of God's judgment on a wicked and unrepentant nation.
They trust in themselves and fall in greater numbers daily.

growing middle class rage 1

growing middle class rage 2

growing middle class rage 3

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