Sunday, March 13, 2011

Murdered Because they were Jewish

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Response to Islamic murderers aka Palestinian's ,Build up Zion 
and if the world does not like it ,tell them to go to hell starting with Obama and company !
Caroline Glick at her blog asks ;
Why would YouTube and FaceBook remove this video in less than two hours ?
Why ?
Because evil ones protect their own.
It's past time to grasp that this evil Psalm 83 Conspiracy against Israel is global in nature and playing weak is not an option.   
The big lie that they have fed the world that Palestinian's are victim's could be damaged if the truth got out,so they block the truth and feed the lie. 
Israel is portrayed as the bad party while the Palestinian's the innocent victims.
Evil birds of a feather flock together and Israel keeps playing their sick 'peace' game.

The only way to deal with this is not by nice Jewish acts,capitulation,building moratoriums,goodwill gestures,stupid acts of weakness and surrender to the evil Palestinian's but the same determination that the U.S. used to defeat the Nazi's and Imperial Japan.
Do as they do ,not as they say.

It bothers me greatly that Netanyahu and Barak first went to the U.S. for permission on his 'measured' building in response to this evil act.
He should have done much,much,much more !!!
It's more 'limited' smoke and mirrors to appease his right.  


  1. Like the Israeli PM before him, I regret that Netanyahu is part of the problem and not part of the solution, helping to systematically destroy the Jews of Israel and the Israeli state who do not conform to the globalists plan for remaking the Middle East.

  2. The P.A. are out complaining about approval of new homes in Judea and Samaria, instead of looking for the killers!

  3. What did you expect from venemous snakes which the U.S. media is always dressing up as doves with a plastic olive branch in their beak ?
    It's not about peace but Israel's surrender ,the Psalm 83 global conspiracy against Israel.
    Have you noticed that the evil enablers of Israel's Nazi like enemy in the West,their Media and Government's are giving the snakes good P.R. and Israel always the same bad P.R. ?,7340,L-4041694,00.html

    IT'S REASSURING TO KNOW THAT GOD WILL GIVE EVERYONE WHAT THEY DESERVE IN THE END and that goes especially for the treacherous betrayer,'friend', America and the 'salt has lost it's savor' dead Church that is good for nothing except to be cast out and trodden under the feet of men.

  4. Notice how they (global government media's) do not give us the death count of Muslim on Muslim killing in Libya but gave us the numbers daily when it was Israel vs Hamas in Gaza ?
    Their satanic agenda is clear.

    The hypocrisy and double standard by the WEST is beyond evil.
