Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Muslim on Muslim Genocide

If Israel hits a Palestinian with a rubber bullet it makes world headlines and an emergency session of the U.N. Security Council.
This beats all.
I wonder why the worthless western media are covering up the true numbers of those killed ?
Maybe they don't want to give us the real picture of Islam not being a religion of peace.
Look at the Muslim on Muslim barbarity and you expect Israel to get peace with these genocidal maniacs who can't even live in peace among each other.

The Quartet and their 2 state final solution process are NUTS !


  1. IF Muslims can treat each other like that..then what about Jews and Christians..Islam is Satanic yet the Gaddafis of this world believe what they are doing is in the name of God!!??..God have mercy.

  2. Gaffy Duck is blaming this on fellow Islamic terrorists al Qaeda.

    Reminds me of how often God dealt with Israel's enemies in the past.
    Turning them against each other as they came against Israel.

    The curse of Genesis 12:3 is in it's advanced stages in the Muslim world with the talking head fools in the West tell us tall tales of 'democratic reforms.'
