Monday, April 11, 2011

Apologists For Evil

The reason the evil,godless, leftist scum are so enamored with the cult of death Islam
and defend the indefensible,and always bash Israel and the Jews is because they
serve the same father of lies Satan, AKA allah.


  1. Don't forget, brother, this man, Pat Condell, hates Jesus Christ as much as the Muslims do. A stopped watch is right twice a day.

  2. Thanks for the heads up.

    You should be able to back up what you say with a link or some kind of evidence at a minimum instead of just hearsay.

    At least Pat is slowly moving in the right direction unlike so many others.

    I actually ran into a so called "christian' on another blog talk back who blamed 9/11 on the Jews while giving the evil ones(Islam) a blank pass and no one confronted him there.

    No one !
    That is the sick condition of Christians today.

    There are many who claim be Christian's and to love Jesus who
    serve the Dragon full time and we so called Christians are silent and or united with them in hate just like the owner of that unChristian blog.

    I'll take a Pat Condell over 100 of these wolves in sheep's costume any day.
    The woman is Israel and those attacking Jews and Israel serve their dragon,Satan.

    'And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.'
    Revelation 12

  3. Also Jewel,

    if I ran into the average hypocrite,phony,devious,lying Bush style Christian before I was saved I wouldn't have much love or respect for their god either.
    Lets hope he meets the real Jesus not the jesus of the apostate,backsild hypocrite Church which thinks Jesus is going to rapture out their soiled,filthy hearts,soul's and minds.

  4. I agree with you completely, there, sir. As for the link backing up what I say, just click the youtube logo and look at his other videos. I wrote about the fact that even Godless men know the truth when they see it, which is a far sight braver than our own appeaseniks.

  5. If you click the youtube logo in the video you will see his other videos, some on Christianity. I feel the same as you about the kind of Christianity that seeks not to offend anyone, in England it is so far gone you have to wonder if there is even a remnant of true believers. As for taking the truth from the mouths of honest unbelievers:

  6. Thanks for the link.
    He says he's an atheist.
    Amazing that he has more boldness than the average Christian.

    He outshines them in obeying Ephesians 5:11

    That says a lot about the condition of the Church.

    The church is AWOL and being led by

    Who is this judith ,

    looks like she retired ?
    Is she still upright ?

  7. Judith was the wife of Mennasseh, a widow, who, in the apocryphal book of Judith, overheard the plans of the assyrians to wipe out the jews. The Jews were behaving cowardly, and she upbraided them for their cowardice. She disguised herself as a provider of victuals, and gaining the trust of the commander of the assyrian army, prepared a sumptuous meal for him, and getting him good and drunk, she cut off his head and took it back with her, leaving his body in his tent. The army was so frightened by that one act, they turned around and didn't attack the Jews. This one act saved an entire people from genocide.
    This story, while it may not be true, has much truth in it, so I made her the symbol of that blog, where I write to mock Islam and the culture around me. Hence she is my mascot.

  8. Deborah put a tent peg in the skull of some king who hid in her tent from Israel's Army.
    She was for real.
