Thursday, April 07, 2011

Four Horsemen of Apocalypse are out of the Barn

The white horse left long ago and the Church is in a deep coma.
It's not hard to see the groundwork that has already been laid out and set in motion to fulfill the word of God.
The globalist servants of Satan are crashing the economies across the globe to bring about their one world economy.Everything needed to bring about the mark of the beast is in place now.
Their global government is already here as we saw with Obama and his UN sanctioned oil war against Libya,a UN created by America Babylon.  
The rider on the white horse who began his so called just and good wars  in the Muslim nations of Afghanistan and Iraq is soon to ignite a flood of other wars that will take peace from the earth.
President Bush's personal vision of  a Palestinian state in the heart of Israel will bring great destruction and no peace. His devious,satanic horse was so white it easily fooled most naive Christian's.
Like Bill Clinton,all he had to do was claim to be a Christan and that was enough for the backslid church. 
Obama advances GWB's and Clinton's long established evil  agenda against Israel.    
The red horse is the soon coming great 'surprise attack' war between the community organizer Obama's  U.S and Iran and her many allies ,Russia,China,North Korea,Venezuela,and many others.

You can read about the third seal ,the black horse every day in news around the globe from the radiation tainted food and fish in Japan to yesterdays news of the dust bowl drought in Oklahoma along with the rising scarcity and price of food.

 The fourth seal, the pale horse is also out of the barn and ready to fulfill God's word on the wicked of the earth.There is much more happening than just these two stories from today news.
drug resistant super bugs

tainted,killer medical supplies

deadly super bug found in drinking water
As usual God's people,the fallen away church and even the remnant are asleep to the lateness of the hour.
That's because they were seduced,blinded by their 'Christian' guy on the white horse, the lead horse, divider of  Israel.
So many have been deceived into believing they would miss all of this in an early rapture.
What will they do when they awaken to realize that they are here in the middle of it and the fifth seal is opened ?

God's warning to His people;
“Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.

"The formation of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state and the division of Jerusalem will lead to a second Holocaust on the Jewish People and will constitute the greatest victory for fundamentalist Islam, and this is what will give it the momentum to conquer the rest of the world…

Israeli P.M Netanyahu is more dangerous that J Street and the Israeli left.His Likud loyalists are too weak and fearful to dump him and enjoy being his devoted and useful idiots.Things are so bad that only God can save Israel,but that's the way it's always been. Only a cursed fool trusts in men. 

Will Christian's in America be seduced by the latest crop of PROUD political saviors of the flesh
and their ability to thwart the judgment of God on this country ?

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