Saturday, April 16, 2011

Israel,Goldstone and Iron Dome

'The only place where there’s eager excitement and lots of palaver about Goldstone’s seeming reversal is inside maligned little Israel'  Sara Honig

Goldstone figured Israel would be desperate to kosher him up after his betrayal.
He's seen how Israel has koshered the bloodthirsty for dead Jews, Fatah and that nothing the Palestinians do will cause the Jews to render the peace scam null and void.
He figured Israel was an easy place to sell a scam and get away with it as the world has learned.

The latest scam Israel has brought into ,Iron Dome and tainted US control and restraint, blood money.
Israel is not permitted to defeat the enemy just get lucky with the latest overpriced hit or miss boy toy.
The capos' Netanyahu and Barak sell it and get their pictures taken next to it to deceive fellow Jews when the only answer is a resounding world shattering defeat of Hamas to end the threat once and for all.
Israel has become mentally unbalanced under the Global Master's dark and evil, 2 state final solution process  and is no longer able to grasp this concept.
Willingly hobbled and restrained by a treacherous,perverse and devious friend and Iron Dome. 
The 2 Capos aren't that stupid ,they always FOLLOW ORDERS and know they are not permitted to defeat another Arab/Muslim army as that would damage the self esteem of the evil ones the goyim (nations of the world) have chosen to side with against the Israel of God.

You are not alone,Israel.
Watch and keep this in mind as the cursed nations sink down to hell as their bad choice of siding with Israel's enemies bear great dividends of immediate and imminent divine judgment. 
Hold on to your hat because an evil,howling,destructive wind blow's against the enemies of the Israel of God.

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