Friday, April 01, 2011

The Slime Minister's Office


  1. LOL ...That was hilarious, Marcel!!

  2. I was happy to find this LATMA from March 11 clip buried at Glick's YouTube channel.

    Her Teflon god is proving to not be scratch resistant.

    Netanyahu has greatly abused the loyalty of his Likud supporters

    It's really sad to have so many devious liars,AKA politicians who betray their people and country for the NWO.
    It proves how stupid and gullible voters are to fall for the words of the slithering serpents and not their deeds.
    But then that is God's curse on fools.
    Jeremiah 17:5

    Arrogant,immoral scum who are accountable to no one and whose art of deceit is as treacherous as Satan's.

    Netanyahu imitates his U.S. god's and masters so well.

    I pray he repents from his idolatry and serving false gods.
