Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thoughts on Hell Coming to America

The majority of my fellow Christians are still in a fog of lies and deception when it comes to their most cherished idol America. That fog will soon lift as reality comes crashing down on them.

The behavior of the terminally ill patient becomes more erratic and abnormal ,from high bonuses to criminal bankers,openly corrupt rulings and other robberies and thefts from the public till with zero accountability to new never ending meaningless wars as we see another brewing in Libya.
Lawlessness from the top on down
These evil people made sure a God of accountability was not involved in the early world view development of our children, to raise them in the fear of God in order that we might lead blessed and peaceful lives in America. Darwin's Satanic religion of evolution replaced God to breed a lower class of 2 legged animals obedient to the State and not God and 99.9 % of Christians went along with the evil state.
Since then the evil ones in power (Republicans and Democrats and their 2 card monty) have poisoned everything good and holy and opened the floodgates of evil over the land as Christian's slept.
These New World Order C.F.R.,Skull and Bones,Satanists,Marxist's brought about a godless,wicked and reprobate people in rebellion against God and His laws here in America.
They now rule by way of Orwellian style deception and darkness masquerading as light.
The majority are fooled fools.

As the big lies of these pathological liars in power and their media shills get harder to swallow as fewer and fewer believe them they are left to make those who know the truth enemies of the state.
And that would be Christians and freedom loving people.This is where the persecution that Jesus warned would surely come.
Those Christian's deceived by an early escape rapture lie are in for a theological adjustment here
This cursed and dying empire will resort to unthinkable,evil and insane acts such as turning a blind eye to a large scale terrorist attack on a major US city for the purpose of declaring draconian martial law already in place by executive order (courtesy of ex-president Bush) snuffing out any remaining constitutional restraints to their nefarious agenda.
They have the list of gold and silver owners as well as gun owners and you trust these evil people to honor anything in a government under dictatorial,martial rule ?
Hold onto your seats,this does not end well and only gets unbelievably worse from here on out.

'The wicked shall be turned into hell,And all the nations that forget God.' Psalm 9:17

Russia/China vs Obama's New World Disorder
"We are not happy about the latest events in Libya, which are pulling the international community into a conflict on the ground. This may have unpredictable consequences," Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

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