Sunday, April 24, 2011

Unarmed Jews targeted by US trained Palestinian Policeman

For attempting to go to Josephs tomb in Shechem(Nablus) to pray these Jews were attacked by the evil Palestinians who breed their children to hate and kill for their demon god of hell and death.
 I am not surprised that the U.s. and the rest of the world have chosen to side with evil against the Jews for they themselves are evil and God will judge all the Nations severely.

"My brother's son was murdered by a terrorist masked as a Palestinian police officer, for no more reason than his wish to pray, he was innocent."

FBI Arrests Tennessee Pastor
U.S Government protects the wicked,encourages evil and punishes a mother who wants to protect her daughter from a reprobate Lesbian.

"I said Jesus!" she recalled, explaining it was a prayer for help, not a cry of surprise. The next thing she knew "it went over my house. It passed me by."

Hindu fake god Sai Baba dies on the day Christians worship the resurrected,eternal never to die Jesus Christ.
Millions including the wealthy and powerful followed this lie from hell.They mourn his end because like their Sai Baba they have no hope.

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