Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Netanyahu's Speech

With all the applause and hype about Netanyahu's 'great' speech before Congress some might assume
that America was Israel's God and that Netanyahu was the obedient servant Moses.
Nothing could be farther from the truth and my gut tells me that God is angry with America Babylon
having taken up preeminence with his people Israel as they ignore Him completely.
This is why we have the severe outbreak of bad weather in America's heartland while Netanyahu fawns over his pretty god of faux peace.
God is removing the luster from Bibi's idol.
I believe that God will erase America from the landscape in order to get the attention of His people Israel.
And then all the hype about Netanyahu's speech before Congress and all the applause and all the ignoring of God and His will for Israel will be ended forever !  
To sacrifice the most obedient to God segment of Israel's population the settlers and reward the cult that worships death and violence,the Palestinian's is surely a recipe to anger God even more. 
Netanyahu's speech gets a D-

'Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged Tuesday to make "painful compromises" for peace with the Palestinians, for the first time explicitly saying that some West Bank settlements would find themselves outside Israel's final borders.'

This is the headline news here in the U.S.

The focus is on Israel suffering more for the peace.
If only Netanyahu had kept his mouth shut on this topic about Israel's willingness
to incur more pain.
Hasn't Israel already made enough painful concessions and compromises for peace ?
Isn't it time for the Arabs to deliver painful compromises ?
Why did Netanyahu have to ruin an otherwise good speech by offering to deliver more pain to 1 segment of the Jewish population that deserves it the least ?

This stupidity of offering to sacrifice Jews who are faithful to God's command to build up Zion will bring severe judgment upon the comfy anti-Zionist Jews of Tel-Aviv who are so quick to sacrifice their brothers and reward undeserving Palestinians for their great evil.

The best of Israel have to suffer while the godless left and other enemies within do not?You really think God will let this injustice pass without His response ?  
So for me Netanyahu gets a D-

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