Monday, May 16, 2011

Some thoughts on 'maximum restraint' Israel

A major disaster was averted on the border with Syria yesterday but disaster is coming and nothing can stop it.
Appeasement always leads to the same place.
The more Israel's leaders give in to the demands of  pseudo friend and foe the more is required.
In this suckers game of international proportions Israel is the mark.
Sadly it's the only game which Israel's failed, secular 'loser' leadership know how to play.
To please their Washington masters Israel's puppets know they have to give in or 'support' which keeps them propped up will be removed.
Fear guarantees that P.M.Netanyahu will always give in to the slightest pressure because he is not a fighter but a yes man.
Only yes men and women are permitted to rule in Israel by dark America Babylon.
Eventually this Jewish exercise in appeasement and weakness will have to end because there will be no more to give.
Instead of trusting in God Israel puts great confidence in her political class of liars and spineless cowards who stand for nothing and believe only in their large ego's.

A few months ago Prime Minister Netanyahu wrote a personal letter to President H. Obama asking for the release of convicted spy Jonathan Pollard who has been under cruel and unusual punishment in the U.S. for 25 years now.
The always capitulating and giving in to U.S. pressure Prime Minister was ignored completely .
Israel has come to accept this sort of abuse and never stands up and resists the hypocrisy and double standard because Israel suffers from a crisis of faith.
The secular and faithless Jews who rule Israel to ruin do not have the strength of God to lean on and so they are weak and fearful and fear drips from every pore of their body.
Everyone can see it but them.
Eventually the Ehud Barak strategy of retreat (from South Lebanon)and failure (to defeat Hamas) and targeting the faithful Jewish settlers for abuse to appease their evil masters will come to an end.    
The Netanyahu,Barak policy of 'maximum restraint ' towards the Nabka invaders is not practiced towards fellow Jews who oppose national suicide.

Their number one agenda is to please their false god America Babylon.

Tolerance and kindness is only directed towards those whose raison d' etre' is to exterminate Israel.
More evidence that Israel's secular rule is deranged and doomed.
The crisis of faith will come to a head only when the death toll in Israel soars to a catastrophic high and when the yoke of American dominance around Israel's neck is permanently removed by God Himself.
When America is no longer there what will Israel do then ?
When their idol is smashed into a thousand pieces Israel will have to reckon with God.
My prayer and that of many believers in Israel's Messiah is that Israel days of chasing after idols in nice suits and their lies is over forever as the nation returns WHOLLY to her Maker,the Holy One of Israel and His Son Jesus Christ who is the Lord of Armies.

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