Tuesday, February 07, 2012


excerpt from How to Survive an Iranian Biowar Attack

What is being missed here, with all the talk of Iran developing nuclear weapons or not (depending on one's viewpoint), is that Iran is already a state that possesses WMD.  In fact it possess a Global Strategic MAD (mutually assured destruction) Counter-Force that is Advanced Biowar WMD based.  Advanced biological warfare is based on recombination DNA genetically engineered technology, where snippets of DNA material are added to modify existing viruses, or are added together to create totally man-engineered killer viruses.

Generally speaking, most nations view using advanced bioengineered viruses that are designed to be used via self-replication as far too dangerous.  Even if you have a vaccine for the designer virus, new or modified viruses when released into the 'wild' are not fully predictable and are subject to mutation.  Which means that they are potentially capable of coming back to the creator nation in a mutated form and killing vast numbers of 'friendlies'.  

Currently in most nations that posses an advanced biowar program, it is used for the creation of bio-toxins which are generally tactical in nature and are not self-replicating.  However, we have to consider that Iran has spent over 20 years in developing a 'trump card', that is a MAD Counter-Force, that is not a hyper expensive nuclear based one, but one that is based on genetically engineered self-replicating viruses.  It hired many former Soviet advanced biowar scientists when the USSR fell apart and built upon their base of knowledge and research. 

The nature of biowar is that it is a "gift that keeps on giving". Once released, advanced recombination DNA based viral bioweapons will continue to spread and kill and kill ....regardless if Iran and Syria are but a sea of green radioactive glass devoid of all life. With advanced biowar agents, it is not the quantity that counts but the quality. It does not require large amounts of weapons running into the hundreds of thousands or millions or billions of tons of high explosives; nor does it require ICBMs and cruise missiles and $100 million dollar warplanes to deliver the bioweapons. A very small group of human assets, prepositioned with small amounts of easily hidden biowar weapons (submicroscopic viruses), in Europe, Canada, and America can begin the process that will result in the deaths of hundreds of millions or even billions of human beings. When you get right down to it, does it matter if you die from some exotic bioengineered hemorrhagic fever or from radiation poisoning .......dead is still dead. A nation that has lost 1/3 to 2/3 of its population base to biowar, as opposed to one that has lost 1/3 to 2/3 of its population base to nuclear war, is still a broken destroyed nation.

Iranian President Ahmadinejad (and the mullahs that make up so much of the higher Iranian leadership)  do not act like a man/group living in mortal fear of American and Israeli power. He acts like a man, no doubt driven by a political and religious imperative to confront American and Zionist power (he was a key member of the young Iranians that seized the American Embassy so many years ago). He acts like a man who knows that he also possesses weapons of mass destruction that amount to a global strategic MAD counter-force, hence his constant theater before the world. If his Iran is effectively destroyed in a massive conventional and/or nuclear attack he can respond in kind to his nation's enemies. And that is MAD....mutually assured destruction. Only this is not the Cuban Missile Crisis with a nuclear armed Soviet Union facing a nuclear armed America. This is the Middle East with a clash between Iranian hardliners and western neocon/globalists and Netanyahu hardliners. In the Cuban Missile Crisis cooler heads prevailed ......the scary thing is that this time cooler heads may not prevail. And make no mistake about it, the danger to the entire world is just as great (if not greater) than that in the Cuban Missile Crisis. We are so focused on the "big bangs" of nuclear war that we fail to understand the true nature and real danger to us from biological warfare.

We are on the threshold of an event, World War III as it is likely to be known, that will be so horrendous that people will speak of "before the war" and "after the war".

I am not focusing in this article on the question of  right or wrong. I cannot change any of that, nor can I prevent whatever is going to happen in the Middle East and in the global phase thereafter. I can, hopefully, alert some people to the real dangers facing the human race and make a recommendation or two that could save many lives.

Global biowar will not come upon us like global thermonuclear war. It will sneak up on the world with not even a whisper at first to announce its deadly presence. It will likely begin when a massive conventional and/or nuclear strike is made against Iran. While the world's attention is focused on what is happening in the Middle East, a small number of Iranian agents, already positioned in Europe, Canada, America, Saudi Arabia, Israel and elsewhere will take action. It is highly likely that no one will even notice the attack. Simple hidden aerosol devices are apt to be employed to quietly and unobtrusively spray small amounts of genetically engineered viruses in public gatherings, such as in churches and synagogues, in movie theaters, in shopping malls, in restaurants, etc. Those doing the spreading may or may not be vaccinated against the nightmare viruses that they spread (in the Iraq-Iran War tens of thousands of Iranian volunteers flooded the battlefields in human wave attacks that were suicidal in nature...sometimes there were not even enough rifles to go around and the volunteers were told to pick up the guns of their fallen comrades). There is not apt to be one or two diseases spread but dozens of different totally new bioengineered diseases that we humans have no natural defenses against.

Those first infected with the new viruses will become the next generation of delivery systems for the biowar attack. Of course, they will not know it.... at least not at first. The incubation period will likely be 10 to 14 days for the viruses, and the hosts will likely at most have something that mimics the common cold with some sneezing. Each host will spread the disease to perhaps dozens or even hundreds of others, who in turn will become third stage vectors for the biowar attack. And the process continues. In fact, many war games that involve advanced biological agents end up with an uncontrollable and uncontainable biological contagion with entire nations and even the entire World infected.

Even thought there have been great amounts of money spent on universal cures for biowar diseases, the unpredictable nature of new genetic engineering advances (and also natural mutations of any new viruses) are highly likely to preclude any anti-biowar efforts from having total success. In other words, once the genie is out of the bottle all hell is apt to break lose. The only true sure way to stop a bioengineered super killer virus is to allow it to burn itself out. That means containing it and allowing those with the disease to either die off or survive.

Since no government on Earth, and certainly no North American or European governments, are ready for advanced biowar, individuals themselves have to be ready to take steps to live through the biowar attack. This means that upon the first sign of biowar breaking out anywhere, one should stay at home and stop all contact (other than phone/internet) with others. This self-quarantine might have to go on for several months and one has to be prepared to survive on stored food and water and if necessary, to do without public utilities as systems begin to fail from non-maintenance. This self-quarantine has to be absolute if one is to be sure of staying away from the various biological warfare diseases ravishing the world.

Citizens cannot count on their governments to effectively defend them. If you want to live you have to take matters into your own hands. You need to stockpile food and medicine and water and all necessary supplies for all family members and pets for several months. The time to do this is before war breaks out and certainly before the threat of biowar is fully understood by the masses.

Some scary information to keep in mind: the medical community is apt to die off quickly from biowar as they will be exposed early on to persons with the new effectively untreatable fatal diseases; the average city has only 1 1/2 days worth of food if the supply chains cease to function. Do not, under any circumstances allow any government to force you to have a number or mark or RFID chip placed in or on your body. The last book of the Bible, and its warnings of the Mark of the Beast, is not something that one should ignore in the event of biowar. Churches will be closed during a biowar attack, as well all public gatherings, but that should be no barrier to getting closer to God. The growing crisis in the Middle East should make all of us consider our relationship with the Almighty. We lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis but we may not be so lucky this time.


[Tim Earl of Stirling] 

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