Thursday, March 22, 2012


The FRENCH will have to cover up the many questions surrounding Muhammed Merah  because he was probably getting a welfare check and free government paid 'terrorist training vacation's.
And how was it that a Muslim terrorist planting roadside bombs in Afghanistan and with such a long criminal record was walking free, and yet under French intel surveillance could have amassed such an arsenal of sub-machine guns,hand guns, an Uzi, a Kalashnikov, grenades and other automatic weapons ?

The evil Globalist have built their Tower of Babel house of cards on sinking sand.
As the LORD has said in His word ,their evil NWO enterprise won't last but a few short years.
This devious scum who control the US government get away with murder and everything else and are threatened by those like myself who expose their lies and in their demonic propaganda.
They label the truth tellers as extremists while they protect and defend their fellow destroyers and never call  the their terrorists, Islamic terrorists.
That is because they are evil and serve the same god, haSatan.

It also came as the French authorities faced questions as to how the convicted Jihadist had been allowed to live freely in France and acquire an arsenal of weapons while supposedly being under security surveillance after being caught planting bombs for the Taliban in Afghanistan.

The reason is that the French are following the US model of targeting anybody but their Muslim terrorist partners whom they go out of their way to defend and protect as we saw them do in feeding us the outright lie about 'Right wing' Neo-Nazi's  .

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