Friday, November 16, 2012



It will be extremely difficult to destroy Hamas completely, especially when such weak and neutered leadership in Jerusalem have decided that toppling Hamas is not their plan ,according to Lieberman today.
Israel on this 3rd day of the war is still fighting the loser Ehud Barak's restrained war which will fail.
The weak and fearful leaders and people who hitched Israel's wagon to nefarious America's diabolical peace trap are in for some serious pain and suffering.
Hamas, Egypt and the rest see a retreating, capitulating, appeasing Israel as weak and ready for the kill, and that makes a restrained Israel, too stupid to defeat Hamas, in grave 'Sampson Option' danger. 


The Jewish way,Israel keeps Hamas supplied with everything to keep them strong and an ever growing threat and at ease while it fights restrained to please their fake peace pimps,the EU,UN,US.
Israel supplies the electricity to their destroyers as a vain show of how nice suicidal Jews are to their executioners, how stupid is that ?
The high IDF command are pushing for a ground operation but the dithering prime minister Netanyahu and his retreat prone defense minister Barak once again restrain the IDFand prefer to wait...
Fearful Israel targets Haniyeh's generator but not him.
What kind of message is this Jewish way sending ?

The problem is that so many Israeli's care about the devious opinions of their phony allies and allow this psychological warfare 'trick' to restrain Israel from wiping out an enemy committed to Israel's extermination.
Wake up neutered, restrained Israel,you don't defeat Hamas by fighting a genteel,light,restrained war.
The world will love you if you do and hate you if you defeat Hamas !

'the high IDF command are pushing for a ground operation but the dithering  prime minister Netanyahu and his retreat prone defense minister Barak prefer to wait...
A generator was hit near the residence of Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh.'

So far this has been another Israeli operation against Islamic terrorists that is doomed to fail.
This is the thinking of most of Israel today that has been programmed into them by the dragon Satan,his media and global government cabal who hamstring Israel 24/7 .
Now, instead of defeating Hamas it's a PR show on twitter ,another recipe for failure. 
The problem is that Israel has been worn down and trained ,neutered into fighting to lose instead of win since ISRAEL fell into the fake peace trap that has handcuffed the nation to certain defeat. 
Restraint is still the command 'word' to Israel from her false friends and phony allies and you never defeat the enemy with these chains and you and the higher up echelons  have given up on defeating even Hamas and are all committed to sure defeat now.   
Someone should take the PM,DM and Benny Gantz to task for misusing the words 'harsh response' to Hamas in Gaza.
It's not to be found.So far what we have is a light to medium,precision response that will never give Hamas the message it needs ,that it is finished forever ! 

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