Tuesday, January 08, 2013

The Seeds of Civil War in America Have Sprouted

Obama and the New Word Order gangsters want a civil war in America to remove any and all opposition to their plans. That has been the strategy of all Communist and Socialist revolutions.
One of the first things Adolph Hitler did was get the guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens before the Third Reich unleashed it's genocidal tyranny on everyone opposed to their Satanic and evil government.
Obama and the New World Order folks are firmly in control of US Media,Education ,Government,Health Care (which is nothing more than cradle to grave control over the masses), religion,etc.and they are following the same playbook and this is their final coup of tyranny.
If corrupt,perverted,godless Washington were serious about stemming gun violence they would bring God back into the schools,target gangs with their army and arsenal of weapons,enforce existing laws,outlaw dangers psychotropic drugs of big Pharma,outlaw violent video games and Hollywood ,T.V. gore and violence that feeds violence and perversion 24/7 to corrupted young minds.
They are manipulating the media frenzy on gun violence as they(the Obama regime) sold these same high powered guns to the criminal Mexican drug cartel to kill innocent people and have recently purchased 1.5 billion rounds of killer hollow point ammunition for their coming revolution.
Why is it that the media is not asking why the US Government and their many CONUS departments need 1.5 billion rounds of bullets meant to kill with extreme effect which are outlawed by the Geneva convention for use in war ?
If you don't know the answer to that question ,you are under the evil spell of Satan's last global government before Jesus returns (which I call BABEL II )
Godless,reprobate America's judgment is Govt. tyranny
The American people are so asleep and dumbed down that the criminals in Washington got away with this felony,murder by proxy of innocent people. You can be sure that more and greater evil on on the way from the same Washington devils.
The TSA are their nascent Brown Shirts,Black Boots ,S.S., Storm Troopers

The Long March

The agenda of the globalists followers of Satan and his NWO plan (Fourth Reich) for America has moved forward slowly and steadily for over a century.
The plan advanced under Republican President Nixon when he opened the Globalist's door to China in 1971 with his 'ping pong diplomacy.'
China went from a bicycle economy to a  major economic and world  power thanks to the U.S.A. under the globalist CFR plan.
Do you remember when Globalist President Bush 1 got all teary eyed preaching about his New World Order vision ?
By the time Democrat Globalist President Clinton and the RINO President Bush 2 finished his 8 year most of the US factories had been shipped overseas to China,India,Mexico,etc.
The jobs are never coming back,they're gone for good.
Remember how easily NWO Bush 2 deceived the easily deceived Christian right in America twice with his phony Christian testimony ?
The powerful lobby of big money pharmacy and doctor prescribed dangerous,suicide,murder inducing FDA approved drugs for depression,anxiety,etc linked to these mass murders and the violent video games links are covered up by the evil and duplicitous government media complex.

Destroying America from within

This slow kill of America was all planned by the NWO servants of Satan to the point where very little is manufactured in America any more except chemical laced and genetically engineered Franken Food's, and the people are chronically sick,popping slow kill doctor,pharma pill$,getting their toxic shots, fat and dumb with bread and circus diversions from the govt,media complex.
Now they must move fast and consolidate their revolution and destruction of America and that is why the destroyer Obama is President.
Captain Abomination is well able to sink the USS Titanic as he aims the ship of state into the field of icebergs.
Under the Globalist agenda America has to go Third World and it's well under way.
I said it before here, The civil war we see happening in Syria going on for two years is coming here.
God gave Romanian pastor Dimitru Dudiman a vision of this unrest and civil war back in the late 80's just before America was destroyed by nuclear attack from the Russian's, Chinese and their partner nations.

"The Democratic Party has become the party of the Anti-Semites, Anti-Christians, Anti-Caucasians; home of the Racists, the Haters, the Elitists, the Homosexuals, the Tanstesticals, the Pansexuals, the Illegal Aliens, the Ex-Cons, the Ex-Felons, pro Islamists , the Moral Relativists, the Bigots, the Pagans, the hate-America movement, the Marxists, the Communists, the Socialists and the Anarchists."
Paul W. Roberts

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