Saturday, March 02, 2013

DHS Getting Ready For The Inevitable US Economic Collapse


"You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs."

"The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic."
Josef Stalin

'Death solves all problems - no man, no problem.' Anatoly Rybakov

Sarah Palin -Feds stockpiling bullets for coming civil unrest

The fear inducing iron fist of massive brutal force and death is how the NWO gov will respond to the angry masses.
'Fear Us' is the number one weapon of these evil people. They've been planning to bring down America from within to raise up their New World Order phoenix from the ashes for a long time and D day has arrived.
They've been lying from the start ,there is no recovery or jobs.
They (the globalist US Government) shipped them over to China long ago. When the sleeping people wake up to what they did,they will be angry and that is why the Obama,Holder,Napolitano gangsters have bulked up on ammo.

That's the way tyrannical governments have always dealt with those under their oppressive rule and America after it's rejection of God's good foundations ,His law is no different than any rule of lawless,godless tyrants through history.
Those who say ; 'It can't happen here' are extremely deluded and naive.
The evil one's will masquerade as benevolent until the day they use the ammunition and weapons they have piled up to the rafters to deal with their unhappy subjects.
This comatose and dumbed down population are now ripe for the plucking
Judgment day is here !

Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Matt 10:28

If you are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, don't be angry, be happy,and rejoice ,that is the gift and blessing of Jesus to all of His followers who walk in righteousness and forgiveness and fearlessly obey Ephesians 5:11


The odds of this sinkhole 'targeting' this one person in this one bedroom in this one area at the perfect time are astronomical.
Why didn't it strike before or after he got out of bed ?
Live for God everyday as if it may be your last.
This is one tragic story stranger than fiction as is the name of the street where it happened.
I won't try and find any rhyme or reason for this except to say that we must always be prepared to meet our Maker,even when soundly resting at home in our bed. My prayer is that God will cause good will come out of this tragedy for many,especially his brother and the other survivors.

420 Faithway Drive

"He told me he was going to live under a bridge,I told him to come live with me.He moved in three months ago.And it got him killed"

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