Tuesday, April 02, 2013


Behind the smoke and mirrors -
Do you wonder why North Korea has been heating up another front against the U.S. away from Syria/Iran ?
U.S. backed Al Qaeda Islamic terrorists fighting to overthrow Syria's Assad under *evil Obama are now within 1.5 kilometers of a major Syrian chemical weapons depot.
*There are no 'good' world leaders only bad ones with evil plans whom God will use to accomplish His judgment upon the wicked.
Homosexual marriage ,the last straw
It is no coincidence that all of this has fired up on the heels of the homosexuals in the U.S. shaking their fists at God. He will respond ,He always does.

Surely the wrath of man shall praise You; With the remainder of wrath You shall gird Yourself.
Psalm 76:10

We've got no business meddling in Syria as we had no business meddling in Libya (we've only made things worse as we have in Iraq and Afghanistan) except that the Lord has led the fool Obama there to bring great death and destruction on those marked for it.
We,the US have been a warmonger nation bringing great death and destruction to many nations and as the verse below from Obadiah says ; We're going to get what we have been sending out to others ... in spades.
I believe this will be the tripwire.
Israel will act to stop Obama's Sunni jihad partners from acquiring these chemical weapons,very possibly in a matter of days.
Russia's Putin and Iran have drawn a red line over any U.S.,EU,Israeli,Turkish,Jordanian interference in Syria ........ and they mean it.
That is why Russia and China have been busy with many military exercises lately.
Iran has been ready for a long time and already has 50,000 plus IRG troops in Syria.
This is going to be WW III.
China has directed their little North Korean puppet Kim-Un to stir up a hornets nest in the east while they, Russia,Iran and their other partners prepare for checkmate on ObamaNation.
You can read more about it in the book of Obadiah,it's only 1 chapter.

“For the day of the Lord upon all the nations is near;As you have done, it shall be done to you;

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