Wednesday, April 17, 2013


update:Check out these picture of the Boston backpack bombers

The people Uncle Janet and Hussein Obama are giving carta blanche to enter the US while they grope you and your children everywhere under the ruse that they looking for bombs and terrorists.
Just three questions out of hundreds for the naive to ponder;
1.Why does Obama/USA continue to supply Muslim Brotherhood Egypt billions of dollars, fighter jets, tanks, military weapons,tear gas, all free and undeserved never to be repaid, that will only be used against Israel and to oppress Egyptian Coptic Christian's and why does Con-gress go along with this evil ?
2.Why even after the true nature of Islam/Palestinian's and it's openly communicated desire (not for peace) but to wipe infidel Israel off the map does the USA continue to force Israel to indefensible,suicide borders under it's counterfeit peace Road Map ?
3.Why is ObamanationUSA supporting,training,funding al-Qaeda linked ISLAMIC terrorists to overthrow Syrian dictator Assad and to threaten Israel ?

3b. Why have the US media prostitutes covered up that there was no embassy or consulate in Benghazi and this was a weapons smuggling operation funneling seized Libyan weapons to the Syrian ISLAMIC terrorists through Turkey after ObamaNationUSA and proxy NATO removed Qaddafi and replaced him with a Muslim Brotherhood Government ?
ANSWER- Because like Islam ,America is evil at it's core.

Boston-like bomb plans published by al Qaeda


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