Monday, April 15, 2013

Criminal Negligence at the Top

After the Newton school massacre ,the government media perverts pushed and pushed hard for gun control.
Watch as these same evil hypocrites do not push for any tighter entry permits or stopping Muslims from hostile Islamic countries from entering the US.
If they did it would only be a smokescreen to make you think they were serious about really doing something.They're not.

Tuesday Morning Update: 20 year old Saudi man being questioned

MSM media report no suspect ,no claim of responsibility,no mention of the Saudi here on a student visa. I would not be surprise if the corrupt government,FBI focus on covering up the Muslim connection and spin another 'Benghazi' yarn. The now lie to us with impunity to protect their nefarious agenda of targeting and searching us while giving Muslim terrorists carta blanche.
They have dumbed down the American people to believe their lies and this attack might wake up the comatose,brainwashed nation.
Watch as the ISLAMIC TERRORIST gets better treatment from the godless perverts of the left.
If he was a white American they would already have a picture of him splashed across the global media.
The evil ones protect their own.

Don't forget for a second how these media prostitutes jumped immediately to accuse 'white Waco, supremist styled gangs' for this attack and how they always religiously refuse to identify Islam as the source.

The evil ones protect their own.

No pictures of suspect,quick to defend the death cult that is Islam,no mention of the words; 'Islam Muslim,Islamic terrorist or Arab' from the media and they will convientely leave out that our worthless government gave him the visa with ease to come in and do his evil deed while they continue to restrict law abiding US citizens.
Some investigators were seen leaving the Revere house early Tuesday carrying brown paper bags,plastic trash bags and a duffle bag...............
Are we ever going to find out what they found and why our criminal government is still keeping the door wide open for Islamic terrorists to enter into the US ?
Watch how the government and their media prostitutes cover up and protect their Saudi paymasters , the same country that 15 of the 19 9/11 ISLAMIC TERRORISTS came from.
Obama: 'We will find out who did this, and if it does happen to be a Saudi we let in here on a student visa we WILL bury that fact and will get our media to focus on white folks,returning veterans,right wing groups, republicans, patriots,Bible thumpers and tea party dinosaurs.
Lets blame everything on the small gang of white supremacy nuts.
Our Feral policy is to protect the my religion of death and our bold lie that Islam is a religion of peace must be followed or else. I commend my pal Pierre Thomas at ABC news for putting the focus on Waco,Oklahoma and the far right McVeigh crowd for the attack and keeping any Muslim connection out of the media.
So far our media are keeping 'Saudi', Muslim, or Arab out of the news by describing him as a foreign national here on a student visa. We must keep the lie alive !

(If he was a white Christian or a Jew the media would have no problem with a complete and full identification minus the cover up)
I'm busy with a revolution and my focus is to target our real enemy,the right and MSNBC is doing a splendid job for which I am forever grateful.
We don't want the public to focus on our incredible incompetence and criminal negligence,especially our open door policy of letting these Muslim terrorists flood our nation and attack us with ease while our perverts at TSA strip search your grandmothers and children.
If I can't cover this up and it turns out to be an Islamic terrorist attack we will downplay it and call it 'lone wolf' or 'workplace violence' just like I did with US Muslim Major Nidal Hassan who murdered 13 US army soldiers and wounded 33 as he shouted 'allah akhbar.'

Bomb sniffing dogs,spotters on roof before explosions

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