Tuesday, April 09, 2013

IRAN'S DEFIANCE And Israel The De-clawed House Cat

Israel used to be sovereign,a lion among the nations ,now it is a neutered and de-clawed house cat locked up in the the Plantation master's house.
At one time Israel would act independently against any and all outside threats but no longer ,now they must wait for green lights and abuse which the slaves have grown accustomed to.
Since signing on to the false peace Road Map covenant with death, Israel lost it's independence and now only purrs to their master for help and protection.
No permission,no green light,only red lights for the little kitty cat who sold it's birthright for lies of peace and security from their pimp god America Babylon.
 For too long Israel has been restrained by their evil, false ally from defeating Hezbollah,Hamas and any other Arab,Islamic nation that threatens to annihilate them.
God will have to get Israel off the poison and intoxicating mothers milk of the US if Israel is to survive and that is the bigger picture of unfolding events such as the collapse of the economy and threats from N.Korea,etc. The Lord will end America's meddling and dividing up of Israel under their big lie, peace scam,permanently, shortly.
Bold Iran
Unlike Israel the evil empire America has never restrained Iran or their many other enemies.
Iran has been preparing for all out war with their arch enemy since 1979 and now they are ready for a fight.
So far Iran has successfully stood up to all global US empire pressure and crossed Israel's red line.
Iran is not intimidated by any one or anything and neither is North Korea.
That is because they are the rider on the red horse of Revelation 6:3-4 which has been given power to take peace from the earth.
They are purpose driven and will accomplish the judgments of God at this late hour.
It is God who raises up and brings down nations.
The superpower pressure exerted against Iran to halt their nuclear weapons program has been impotent and weak at best and this has embolden the Islamic crusaders to make their move.
Iran hasn't budged, in fact Iran has defiantly advanced forward showing all how powerless the US has become except for empty talk.
Russia and China feign an impartial status with Iran and it's dubious plan as they do with North Korea when both are committed pawn in the destruction of the global US Empire.
They see America as a past tense,collapsing superpower and are not intimidated or threatened by the paper tiger Obama.
The empty suit Obama and the fading American empire will have to 'bark' a little louder in order to maintain it's false image of world power.
The US is being squeezed into FORCE action by Russia and China's pawns, Iran and North Korea who reject every demand and taunt the economically bankrupt,has been empire to make their next move.
Will paper tiger Obama declare a naval embargo against Iran or go back to sleep and awaken Israel to their futile stupidity in trusting their false god America for peace and security ? Certainly the God of Abraham,Issac and Jacob will have to remove the yoke of bondage Israel has come under by chasing after their idol America for a false peace and false security.Only then will Israel return to the LORD.
Another thing is for certain, God is in control and He is setting the stage to show the world that Sodom embracing Empires only have ash and rubble in their immediate future.
The enemies He has raised up have nothing to fear from the decadence embracing pervert in the White House.
Rumors of War
Why would North Korea warn foreigners to leave South Korea if the Wednesday,April 10th missile test is only a test ?
They must be aware that endless threats without action will make them the joke nation of the world.So this leads me to believe that this is serious especially on the heels of damnation, homosexual America's agenda.

All the men in your confederacy shall force you to the border;
The men at peace with you shall deceive you and prevail against you.
Those who eat your bread shall lay a trap for you.
No one is aware of it.

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