Thursday, April 18, 2013

Obama regime's attempt to cover up a possible Saudi connection to the Boston attack ?

Saturday 20 Apr.UPDATE: Saudi national DHS file...


Are we seeing a criminal,treasonous US Government attempt to protect the Islamic terrorist

bombers at the Boston Marathon,a major cover up in progress ?

update :If the FBI can't find them it's because they put them on a plane to Saudi Arabia!
Has anyone noticed how Obama's Goebbels media sluts have not asked what the FBI removed from the apartment of the Saudi student(whom the government allowed into the country) and how it's possible that so many bags of possible evidence along with a dufflebag loaded with evidence or does the FBI do the laundry for Saudi terrorists at Obama's directive? got this student on a fast plane back to Islamic terrorist capitol of the world with no charges and in secrecy ?

Do you really think that if the suspect was a non Muslim that he would be getting the 'special treatment' that the Obama regime is giving to MUSLIM terrorists from Saudi Arabia ?
I'm guessing that they won't ever find the bomber because they don't want to put any heat on their most favored death cult religion of Islam. You are aware if it was a Christian or Jewish suspect that they would already have him in custody along with media attack's and endless bashing of non existent 'extremist' Christian's or 'radical' Jews and this whole episode would be a closed case.
Do you notice how they go out of their way to give special undeserved treatment, protecting and never 'bash' the real threat against American citizens as they always let loose with their bashing on everyone else ?
Because the source of global terrorism is Islam and our government is in the business of protecting this death cult the FBI and Obama have an ISLAM problem that they wish would just go away.
Do you remember 'Fast and Furious' and how they got away with murder ? They've gotten used to getting away with murder.
This criminal regime is motivated to cover this up because as I said before they are directly responsible for this ISLAMIC terrorist attack because of their collusion and special treatment of the extremist, Islamic terrorist nation of Saudi Arabia.
Obama's DHS and Janet Napolitano have rolled out the red carpet for Saudi Muslims to enter the USA with more ease than you and I have in clearing TSA airport security.
This in itself is criminal on the part of our own government.

If the truth came out it would be extremely embarrassing and reveal the criminal culpability of our own government and so there is a major cover up in progress.
Too much information and photo's have come out on the internet and this is why the FBI pres conference was canceled under a convenient and very questionable bomb threat at the Boston federal court house yesterday at 5 pm.
The U.S. government let these extremist Muslims into the country by the thousands with lax student visa's and easy entry from the terrorist producing hotbed of Saudi Arabia.
The hands of everyone in Washington including the FBI are dirty and that is why they are 'hastily deporting' the Saudi Muslim from the USA,a criminal act by the government in itself.
We in America are ruled by evil,devious,lying criminal who will stop at nothing to protect themselves and their most evil agenda. All part of God's judgment on a wicked nation.

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