Saturday, April 20, 2013

Obama's Plan to Blame Patriots Backfired

And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.
Daniel 8:25
logo on the caps of the 'contractors' at the Boston Marathon bomb site

After watching this video it's become even more clear to me why the terrorist attack was on Patriots day,Tax day, and why the Boston Marathon attack was allowed to go forward.
Do you remember back on Monday how all the leftist mouthpiece media for Obama were blaming white tax protesters and patriots before the smoke had even cleared. They overplayed their hand.
This was all pre-planned but the internet and all the video and photos that went viral turned their plans upside down.
This is why their next move will be to cripple or remove the real news source, the internet threat to their evil agenda. The propaganda ministry's lie factory must reign supreme and there are only a few voices of warning left out there and Fox News is not one of them.
Remember ,the destroyer Obama has the internet kill switch at his disposal.
These control freaks don't quite control the source that greatly hinders them yet but they will have to.
Their trolls and hackers are already very busy.
These lawless,lying people are evil.
The FBI has a history of being soft on Muslim terrorists and use the same tired excuse for their many,many failures to catch them before they strike.
Remember how the FBI and media marginalized and trashed any other sources but theirs.
When you control all the information,it's Pravda all over again.
The government knew about it and were all over the immediate area of the bombing BEFOREHAND and their media are helping to cover it up as they always do.You don't get in the big media unless you're chosen and know how the game is played.

Too many photos surfaced on the internet of their dubious activities with so many black backpacks,black ops,Craft, etc.
You have to ask why backpacks were even allowed ,why ?
I know why.These people are evil.
That is the reason why the FBI had to scrub their press conference on Thursday with a phony bomb scare.
The FBI can catch someone making a phony bomb scare unless it's one of them.
They only released the 'other' terrorist target photos(the 2 brothers from Chechnya) after sitting on their pictures for a few days.
The FBI knew these guys all along and lied, asking the public to help identify and find them.
They've dumbed down most of the population but not everyone's drinking their kool-aid.
Obama and his evil NWO devils plan backfired but they've got plenty more Islamic terrorist incountry to sow chaos and ramp up their martial law and draconian measures.
They will use all these Muslim terrorists they let in the country to steal what little freedom remains and to blame their number 1 enemy ,good,law abiding American citizens.
Why do you think they(both political parties)have been flooding the country with illegal immigrants for decades ?

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