Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Islam's fratricidal self destruction

Islam's fratricidal self destruction and extreme hatred towards each other is something to behold.
The cannibals eat each other.
Israel you should have enough sense by now to understand that peace is not possible with such brutal,inhumane evil. The rabid dog must be put down for the good of everyone.
Seeing Muslims extreme violence and genocide against fellow Muslims should be all we need to know about the true nature of Islam even with all the lies,deception and propaganda from the Western globalists elite government and media

At least 62 rebels fell as martyrs   martyrs ?
"The regime forces riddled them with heavy machine-gun fire," he said. "It seems that the regime discovered the secret road that the rebels were using."
The images suggest "an utter disregard for international law", Amnesty alleged, along with "extensive destruction, death, and displacement."

Why is Islam self destructing ?

MAD,SICK, EVIL Scientists plan to create easier-to-spread H7N9 bird flu in lab


Gracias a Dios ?
Honduras has the highest homicide rate in the world, much of it blamed on gang violence and drug traffickers.
More than 3,000 people have been killed in Honduras in the first six months of 2013,

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