Saturday, September 28, 2013

Nations to the Abyss

Hell's Clown Quartet

Mideast Quartet seeks Israeli, Palestinian action by 2014

The diabolical Satan inspired Quartet never apply any real pressure on the Palestinian's Arabs only against Israel because Israel's surrender and eventual extermination is what the Washington agenda is all about.
They don't realize that they are bringing about their own destruction because the one who fights for Israel is the King of the Universe,the LORD of Armies, Jesus Christ who is much,much greater in power than these johnny come lately lightweights.
Blow-back- The harder the Quartet of nations push Israel into the bloody jaws of Islam, the more God will push back, giving to them what they intended for Israel.

So much for their short lived new world order.
Once again the mighty,the proud and the blind are tripped up by the tiny,minuscule Israel of God.
Testimony of Barry Minsky
hat tip - noodles


  1. Thanks for the hat tip, Marcel...a little more "food for thought"

  2. Thanks, watching it now. Interesting ,I've been 'sharing Psalm 9:17 for a while to warn believers of whats coming to America before the rapture.

    "If we can defeat them'
    He leaves out God and focuses on the power of the flesh to overcome evil.
    Just got this, haven't read it yet???

  3. Thanks for the link....,7340,L-4433991,00.html

    #8 in the comments section

  4. Thanks,
    He's talking about 'allah' to His fellow Muslim, Hussein is smart enough not to insult a fellow Muslim with the true God of Israel.

    I hope Israel is waking up ?

  5. There are quite a few individuals coming to the 'knowledge', but Israel as a whole, I'm afraid will have wait till the end of 'Tribulation' to 'look upon the one they have pierced', what's left of them.

  6. humbling process,some will be humbled sooner and repent.

  7. I'm living proof as I came to the Lord at 22 years of age, a bit like Barry Minsky whose testimony was almost an exact duplicate of mine.

  8. Amen, I've stumbled many times and the Lord has lifted me up.
    So I know He will do a great and magnificent work in Israel.
