Sunday, July 23, 2006

Why Israel Always Wins !

The horse is prepared for the day of battle,
But deliverance is of the Lord.
Proverbs 21;31


  1. Ah, you son of Satan, stop telling lies. The Jews crucified our Lord, they rejected him, and you would be their fan? What nonsense is this?

  2. Wow Marcel. You have been visited by a liberal churchianity blogger or a Muslim who does not have the conviction to use anything but anonymous. They seem to have some knowledge of the Word.
    Jesus was/is a Jew. His last words from the cross were, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." God promised to bless those who bless His people and curse those who curse his people. His people are the Jews those who curse them are going to face the judgement of God. I had one of these posts on my blog once.

  3. scott,
    I have to admit ,I fished for this cult of death fellow.
    I've been posting at a Lebenese vloggers site as he escaped Lebanon into Syria.
    It's good fertile ground to get the truth out as I have only one soul who reads my blog.
