Wednesday, December 19, 2012

PERILOUS TIMES,Especially For Children

A reminder to a Jew who sees Government as God (final authority) and forgets about the Third Reich.

In this context Max Weber defined political sovereignty as the democratically elected Third Reich's monopoly on legitimate violence. This means that the state, and only the Nazi state, has the right and the ability to kill –whether through the S.S.,the Hitler Youth, judicial system, the German army, the police.
We give up that right to the state in return for more deaths and genocide on a massive scale.
We have learned that it is better for governments to fear an armed population that for the people to fear their out of control,corrupt,lying, treacherous,tyrannical, totalitarian government.
Hitler took the guns away from the people before the government began their wholesale slaughter of Jews and everyone else who stood in the way of their evil Utopian,extremist left agenda as we have with Obama and his Fourth Reich gang today.

Have you heard about the millions and millions of rounds of deadly hollow point ammunition ( illegal to use in war by the Geneva Convention) the U.S. Government has been purchasing whose sole purpose is to kill ?

Crafty,nefarious Obama and his criminal Attorney General Erich Holder sold high power weapons to the Mexican drug cartel under the BATF,'s Fast and Furious criminal enterprise and many innocent people died and the government and their media whores covered it up while the sleeping public never demanded any accountability.
You have to be a fool to trust the corrupt US Government.

Fundamentally, way before questions of individual or civil rights, of taxation and redistribution, of the attainment of national values and dreams, politics has a very simple goal which is to protect human life except for the innocent,defenseless unborn babies in their mothers womb,then we will do like the Nazi's and give them a subhuman face and a dehumanized name like fetus and kill them without pity or remorse.
No funerals for the pre-born's we murder under government law. That is the new death culture of the West that has far outdone Adolph's genocide by millions of dead.
Is it any wonder why life is so cheap in America's elementary schools today ?

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