Sunday, October 23, 2005

A Cursed President ?

"I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you"

This is what God said to Abraham and his descendants around four thousand years ago, and
both the Blessing and the Curse promise have been kept, repaid to all concerned in full.
America used to be blessed, look around, read the headlines ,we're not anymore.
Only the Ostrich and the decieved Christian with their head's buried deep are clueless , not willing to read the handwriting on the wall that even 'Madonna' now see's.


as the Bush Road Map is nothing more than a curse upon Israel and the Jews.


Haman learned first hand and quickly.
The Arab and Islamic world along with all the nations are about to learn in a big way very soon also.
Before them though, we have a U.S. president determined to get God's attention by his diabolical plan against Israel and the Jews.
This in on a par with Haman's and Adolph Hitlers final solution as we all know the front line Palestinian storm troopers for allah have no intention ever of living in peace with the kuffar.

Ever since the President came up with his plan for a Palestinian state, everything he touches
turns to manure and all the spin and lies just can't seem to clean the manure off ...... and he just keeps falling into it. (see article link above)
This nation sinks deeper into debt and inflation rises faster than it has in a long time as the politicians lie to the public and tell them ; 'All is well ' as the ship slowly sinks in the twilight of night.
The Iraq war goes from bad to worse.
The President's close and personal clique, Miers,Rove are under fire and somes are possibly even under indictment.
One major disaster after another has caught this unprepared president off guard and more even severe disasters approach that will test him and America more than we've ever been tested before.
This arrogant and foolish president has been warned a number of times of the serious danger of his vision for a Palestinian state by dividing up the little land Israel has and gifting it to hardened killers and deadly barbaric terrorists .
He has refused to heed any warning and stubbornly proceeds in an evil fashion as if he were pushed by the hand of Satan himself.

Only Satan could devise such a peace plan that five Islamic wars against Israel failed to accomplish !

Nothing , not even major destruction on America will awaken this man to his evil plan .
We're getting it tenfold for turning from God as a nation and rushing head long into perversion and wickedness ignoring all the warning signs God has already sent.
The arrogance and blindness of our president is sympthomatic of the general polpulation which has developed irreversable rot at the root.
There is a kind of deception and delusion at work here much like in Noah's day.
The majority go on buying and selling assuming that all will continue as it has before.
The few who know their God and understand the times are aware that God's judgment has arrived upon all the earth, but especially upon Babylon the great America which pollutes the earth under the lie of freedom and democracy.
A* saying which started in Texas in the 80's is applicable as a warning to Mr. Bush


Everything the president touches is cursed because of his evil plan to divide up Israel.
Just watch closely and see if more and more disaster's and unexpected calamity's don't pile up on the doorstep of this cursed fool who leads America into it's final sunset.
Just as God hardened the Pharoah of Egypt's heart to make Hismself known so too is God hardening the Presidents heart as judgment upon this once blessed nation.

*Don't mess with Texas is/was a popular saying which started as a way to curb litter.


  1. Hi cj,Thanks for your comments.
    The facts are .....the facts.
    The stong delusion is for those who love not the truth
    (2 Thess 2 ;10-12) and the truth is that the Road map is from Satan and his servant George ignores the truth that is clearly laid out in God's word.It's not wise to make excuses or ignore evil actions as tyhis leads to more deception and delusion. If you love the truth ,it sways you in it's direction .Thats my hope for you.
    Joel 3;2 and Amos 9;14-15 tells me that George has picked a fight with God over Israel and he will lose.
    You wrote ;'there are reasons both ways'
    The Lord impressed me that you are wrong here as His way is the only one which should concern His followers .If you have waited this long to be swayed ? I would encourage you to not waste much more time in getting to the bottom of all this and escaping the darkness that has set over much of the sleeping ,blind and apostate U.S. Church of Jesus .....which cannot even discern the wolf in her midst.
    Can anyone see the evil,the arrogance ,the danger of dividing up the land God has given for an everlasting inheritance to the Jews. The incredible power and influence that this so called Christian weilds to do good and yet he pursues evil in rewarding Islam's jihad with someone elses land under the guise of peace ?
    It's so clear to me and so is the blindness that is a cancer on the American Christian church.
    By the way, my blood pressure is fine.

  2. You forget that some in Israel will themselves vote to allow Jerusalem to be divided. There is a very liberal element in Israel.

    As of the moment of this message, it APPEARS as if Obama will be elected president of the USA. What are his views towards Israel? Does not the Bible say that in the end NOT ONE NATION will stand with Israel?

    Brace yourselves, people.
