Tuesday, October 25, 2005


"Iraq -There is no peace without victory , and we will have victory" President Bush 10/25/05

This same hypocrite ties Israel hands and hinders them at every opportunity to gain victory over the Islamic terrorists who threaten Israel daily.

Behind the scene he has trampled Israel's sovereignty, acting the arrogant dictator .
This has surely brought the anger of God and He will stop this evil interference in His agenda with His people Israel.
There is a greater agenda than that of Washington's !
The president pressures and threatens Israel to show restraint,release terrorists from prison as a 'goodwill gesture' , but never requires anything of the terrorists,nothing but worthless promises and sorry excuses.

Many of these released terrorist have gone on to attack and kill Jews for their religion of hate and intolerance. The blood of these innocent souls is on the head of president Bush and P.M. Sharon for not having the guts to stand up to this evil dictator.
He demands that Israel remove roadblocks which protect Israeli citizens and catch terrorists and give the Palestinian terrorist authority millions of dollars even though they show no sign or willingness to live in peace with their Jewish neighbor's.

President's lady laying the law down to Israel.

This double minded leader wonders why Iraq and nothing else goes well for him ???
This is just the beginning of his and America's troubles.

What Israel's enemies could not accomplish in five wars , the president has accomplished thru his Road Map.
Israel could not be defeated by war , but it is slowly being dismembered and defeated thru the false peace of President Bush, shades of Satan's hand just as we saw with Haman and Hitler in it diabolical deviousness to rid the world of Israel and the Jews.

How do you think God repays those who protect and reward evil and hinder Israel from defeating their enemy ?
When the wicked are in authority , the people mourn.
We in America are entering into a period of mourning.

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