Thursday, December 08, 2005

Red Lines

There was a time when Israel held fast to it's security demands and refused to be bullied.
Those days are long gone.
The Palestinians know they can get all they want and more from an Israel in free fall. Israel ,always surrendering to and appeasing the Palestinians has only itself to blame when it's worst fears are realized.
Israel has yeilded it's sovereignty over to an oppressive superpower which dictates a process which leads to only one place ,the lion's mouth and there is no real leadership in Israel to slow down or halt the downward spiral.
There is no one in Israel speaking out against the Road Map !
In spite of the 12 + year record of U.S. failure with it's 'peace' plans starting with Oslo ,Israel continues to bow to unrealistic demands and caves in at every opportunity to the terrorists under U.S. pressure.
Signs of desperation and suicide are evident and they only encourage Israel's enemies to fulfill their one goal.
Israel has become the great pushover, there is no part of it's body it will not saw off for a false peace ,no insanity they will not attempt in obedience to the suicidal Road Map vision of Mr. Bush.
Israel ,once again is led passivly onto the cattle car's to the camps and eventually to the ovens.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info ,I didn't hear or read antything about it in America's corrupt and biased media.
    They are worse than Pravda was in Russia. The U.S. media covers up so much news and reports garbage like J. Lennons death anniversary.
    Thats all I've been hearing today.
    I just read the story at A7 Israel.
    I hope, as this U.S. U.N. E.U. vise squeezes Israel THAT THEY WILL FIGHT BACK HARD BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE ?
    I've been trying to wake them up but they trust the new fuher George and his final solution for them and REMAIN SILENT with his Road Map. All I can do is pray for them to snap out of their suicidal drive and foolish trust in America which is the real power behind the U.N.

    O.T.Went to c. school with alot of Cuban's ,some of it wore off on me like expresso and arroz con Pollo but I came by way of Michigan & Canada .
