Thursday, February 02, 2006

Israel's Identity Crisis

A large segment of Israel is trying so hard to be accepted by the nations.
They are trying so hard that they outdo the pagan's and oppress their own
fellow Jews who maintain any semblance of faith in God.
The UnJew's rule over Israel today and do the bidding of their Masta George.
And they do it quite brutally as you can see at the link below.
President Bush will make sure one of these unbelieving Jew's remains at the helm so
he can push his evil Road Map from hell plan.
A major battle of faith is happening in Israel between those who trust in God and those who trust in Politician's.
Below is from Jack in Israel who puts this battle in an interesting perspective.

And as I have said, the non-religious Zionists were so eager to be “a nation like the other nations” and they succeeded beyond their dreams.

And just as the other nations are anti-Semitic, so too Israel became anti-Semitic.
And when a Jew decided to go against the Jewish religion, he is not content to just do what is forbidden, but to make it a statement, he goes whole hog!
He will eat treyf that even the goyim won’t eat, charge interest that would embarrass the Mafia and sponsor a nude gay pride pork rib barbecue on Shabbat in Jerusalem, preferably in the square in front of the Western Wall.
So when they become anti-Semitic, they become the most anti-Semitic government in the world, with the possible exception of a few Islamic crazy countries and side publicly with the terrorists’ goal of destroying Israel.
Welcome to Israel, the UnJewish state.


  1. It's already planned.
    They know the dissenters to their evil agenda.
    Something Jesus said ,He that seeks to save his life shall lose it has helped me be bold and up front in exposing these hidden things of darkness ,as all Christians are commanded to do but few are doing.
    the devil knows his time is about to end ,so he marshall's his new word order forces to creat global governement where he can be worshiped.
    You can see how hard George is working to this end under the ruse of peace ,freedom and democracy.
    Jesus' warning about not being decieved has for the most part fallen on deaf ears here in the U.S.
