Thursday, February 02, 2006

The New Fuherer's Storm Troopers on Horseback

How many out there are still able to connect the dots ?
Let me see if I can help you see thru the disinformation and confusion.

We are aware that a Palestinian state
is the dream,vision,goal of one
meddlesome supower
leader who thinks nothing of
interfering in what is not his job
or business unless he is playing God, no ?

This leader has sent the order to remove all Jews from his evolving terrorist Palestinian State.
P.M. Sharon of Israel was loyal and obedient and ethnically cleanese every Jew from their homes and land around Gaza .

Shortly after we had Hurricane Katrina remove hundreds of thousands of Americans from their homes permanently.
Few have connected the dots !

By peace he shall destroy many - Daniel 8:25

The new P.M. Olmert has gone a step farther and the brutality he used against bible believing Jews who only want to live on the land in obedience to God's word. ( Amos 9;14-15)
This is a battle of Satan's forces and their Road Map against the small outnumbered faithful remnant of Israel's God.
Guess who loses ?



  1. It's evident that there is a growing seperation between those of faith and those who bow to and worship men and their political groups.
    God is seperating His sheep from the goats and we can see the hatred that the goats have for the sheep. I'm amazed at the hatred of the unbelieving Jew against his own fellow Jews.
    We're going to see it eventually here in the U.S. between the false goverment sanctioned church and those who don't bow to man and their Idol's.

  2. Amen to you both. It may not be much longer and they will be hunting Christians down. But remember this, we have read the end of THE BOOK and evil does NOT prevail in the end. It will for a short time. We truly live in very interesting and exciting times. My only sorrow is that our children will never know the America I knew growing up. It no longer exists. We started to die in the early 60's when kicked prayer, the Bible, and God out of our public schools and lives. America will pay a dear price for turning its back on the God who birthed our nation and guided us, and protected us for so many decades. We have now become the nation that is forcing Israel to give up God's promised land. America will be judged by God for this. He lifted is hand of protection from our once great nation. Our President who claims with his lips he is a born again Christian is the main force in forcing Israel to do what is expressly forbidden in scripture. Now the land he forced then to give up is terrorist camps. Israel is also paying a high price for following along. I was duped in 2004 and voted for Bush. He talks a good Christian talk but I have not seen any Christian walk from him. He has been blinded by God? Of course I shudder to think were we would be if Kerry had been elected. But hey remember this as it gets worse it means the Lords return gets closer! Hey what are your thoughts on the rapture? Pre, mid, or post, just curious. I believe we are going to go through the tribulation. I have a verse that has been stuck in my head for a bit, "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death."

  3. Amen to everything especially the 'interesting times'
    Faith in Jesus' faithfulness and Word to us will get us thru.
    That same verse
    "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." ,the Lord planted in my heart also.
    I used to go along with the early rapture ,but long ago Jesus taught me that it was not what He said in His Word.
    No fear ,the Lord prepares us and
    as you wrote, He defeats the wicked. I just have to learn more patience.
    listen to the radio linked message's I have below (Jonah)
    God has His called true shepherds
    It's much better and wise to follow the chief shepherd rather than the fickle and shallow hirelings. It's going to be real bad for those who trusted in the latter instead of Jesus.
    I see George as God's line in the sand for Christian's.
    If you really believe and love God there's no way you can swallow the snake venom even though it's highly dosed with sugar.
    Those who follow the fake man of peace can't follow Jesus also.
    It the same seperation of sheep and goat we are seeing in Israel.It's easier to tell them apart now as God exposes hearts.
