Sunday, February 18, 2007


It is amazing how much the Global Illuminati Satanists were able to
accomplish under the Bush-Clinton- Bush mafia of SUDDEN DESTRUCTION.
The KJV Holy Bible is more AMAZING, because by the truth of that God
promised PERFECT Holy Bible, we clearly do see the effect of every
vision NOW at hand.

The "Beast System" of Revelation cannot be held back. Perhaps the
global satanists biggest coup was getting ANOTHER term for George
Bush in the White House confirming Rom 1:18. Amazingly,
American "church" leaders hailed this as a great victory, thereby
confirming the great apostasy, the great falling away from THE
Faith. In fact, all that happened was that we got one of two evil,
hand-picked, Skull&Bones fraternity brothers of Hitler puppets,
shoved in our face. Tweedle-dee or Tweedle-dumb, it would almost
seem the only dumber than dee, is Churchdumb.

As you well understand, we never really had a FREE or REAL political
choice in our lifetime. The choice really always has been faith or
the choice of the world's system. Faith cometh by hearing and
hearing by the Word of God.

Unfortunately, the days of people having a political voice or
political choice are long gone in America and the entire antichrist
world. Democracy is 2 cats and a parakeet deciding what is for
dinner. The Palestinian State of Gaza, established by the Road Map
from Hell, is a democratic state, with the Bad Terrorist Hamas
democratically elected over the Good Terrorist Fatah. The
Palestinian State of Gaza has been such a stunning example of evil
over good, or even triumph over logic, that the Satanists are NOW
forcing a TEN TIMES LARGER STATE of TERROR AND EVIL. The forcing of
this particular STATE of EVIL is what God Almighty has said will
cause His FURY to come up in His face. Right now, Condi Rice is in
Jerusalem FORCING this great abomination which will bring the FURY
of God Almighty upon this whole earth, known as Gog Magog or
The really crazy thing today, is that "Churchdumb" still loves their
president much like the Christians in Nazi Germany loved and
believed Hitler to be the Greatest Christian in Germany. No, the
sheeple do not see where he is leading. The sheeple do not see his
IMPERIALISTIC antichrist agenda for world wide SUDDEN DESTRUCTION.
The sheeple did not hear, or remember, what his daddy George Sr.
said back in 1988 when he spoke of a coming New World Order.
Perhaps, they simply do not care. After all, before things get too
bad, they believe that the entire 501c3 harlot of pretrib lala land,
is going to get sucked out of here like a giant vacuum cleaner. If
you ask them, they truly believe they deserve it. God fobid anyone
get what we all do truly deserve.

Meanwhile, in so many other parts of the world, true Christians are
getting massacred by the thousands, as genuine Christian martyrs,
every single day. How do you figure that? It is simply called strong
delusion and great apostasy.

The destruction of America according to Dan 8:17, the time of the
vision is at the end, and Dan 8:19 confirms at the time appointed
when the end shall be. The entire context of the destruction of
America Babylon, is when the world's only super power, the he goat
(luciferian goat god, ala Skull&Bones, ala Bohemian grove), comes
from the WEST, on the face of the whole earth, and touched NOT the
ground: and the goat had a notable, (only superpower myth), horn
came across the face of the whole earth, to stomp the Meads and the
Persians, IRAQ and then IRAN. Iran is the higher that came up last.
The Iran attack, is what marks the Sudden Destruction and END of the
ATTACKER of IRAN, (mythical only superpower he GOAT from the WEST)
America. Study Daniel chapter 8 and 9 in the KJV Holy Bible, if you
do not fully see and understand. For in speaking of THE LAST DAYS
Sign the Lord said - Mat 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the
abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in
the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Matt 24:15 AND
Condi Rice is NOW in that Holy City of Jerusalem, doing the bidding
of the he goat, to FORCE the specific Jerusalem abomination which
God, according to Eze 38:18, said would cause His FURY to come up in
His Face..........................

The Antichrist, by PEACE, shall destroy many. Yes, 2 BILLION will
die in this world war three the global Satanists have planned for so
long. The antichrist was the man behind the scene setting up the
WHOLE entire deal, of the Middle East "Peace" process. First it was
called Oslo and now it is the Road Map, but the antichrist peace
plan to destroy many, is still the same antichrist luciferian agenda
of stealing, killing and destroying. No, George Bush is NOT the
antichrist, he is his cousin....................
Nevertheless when
the Son of man cometh, shall he find FAITH on the earth? Rom 10:17
So then FAITH cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
People of God get PASSOVER RIGHT. Passover MUST be rightly kept and
observed by the people of God, according to the Word of God,
ESPECIALLY this year, more so than any previous year. You are
encouraged to download this real audio file and make CD's for anyone
who might have ears to hear.
http://www.dccsa. com/greatjoy/ Pass2005. rm

exerpts above from Jim Searcys GJIGT email @

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