Wednesday, February 21, 2007

History Repeating Itself for the Jews

exerpt ;

The world is now in its early 1950s; Greenwald, in his early seventies. No matter: there is injustice in Israel so Greenwald, in the twilight of his life, becomes a journalist
Careful. Moses, too, had a speech impediment.
Greenwald publishes many issues. Nothing happens. One day he accuses that Rudolf Kastner -- once the head of the Jewish Agency’s Hungarian Rescue Committee (created, ostensibly, to rescue Jews from the Holocaust), and now a high official in the Israeli government -- helped Adolf Eichmann to exterminate eight hundred thousand Hungarian Jews. What? Outrageous nonsense, no doubt. Does anybody notice? And why should anybody care? This is old Malchiel Greenwald. He has holes in his shoes. He hands out free copies of his blurry, three-page stencil in cafés.
The Israeli government notices. The Israeli government cares. The Israeli government -- not Rudolf Kastner, mind you, but the Israeli government -- sues Malchiel Greenwald for slander.
There is also an affidavit by Walter H. Rapp, lieutenant colonel of the American army, legal officer of the US State Department, and head of the Evidence Counsel of the War Crimes Council in Nuremberg. His affidavit states that only because of the extraordinary intervention of Dr. Rudolf Kastner, only because of his “pleadings and endeavors on behalf of Becher,” as Rapp put it, and only because Kastner said that “Becher was instrumental in saving the lives of tens of thousands of great personal risk to himself with self-sacrificing, if not heroic, acts,” was Kurt Becher released. No other SS officer in custody at Nuremberg has been treated this way, adds Rapp.
Now the Israeli press, so confident at first that Kastner had been vindicated, points out the obvious: it seems that Kastner is a Nazi collaborator. And it asks the uncomfortable question: Why is the Israeli government of David Ben-Gurion, Moshe Sharett, and the recently departed Chaim Weizmann spending a fortune to defend Kastner?
For all the ridiculous Nazi propaganda against the Jews, it must be said that the chief exterminators understand certain things about their quarry. They understand that the Jews love peace. And they understand that the Jews love life and believe in hope. And that mostly, and fiercely, they hope. “People will hang on to illusion as eagerly as to life itself,” writes Ben Hecht. Or more eagerly, perhaps, in the case of the Jews. So Krumey and Wisliczeny, two chief exterminators, meet with the leaders of Hungarian Jewry and explain that severe restrictions will be imposed on the Jews, but the “bad things” (exterminations) will not take place if the Jews cooperate with their own humiliation. “I want the rabbis to reassure the members of their congregations,” Krumey explains. (The deportation and extermination of the Hungarian Jews is but two months away.) A few hundred Jews do not believe this story and they kill themselves. A few others begin to have suspicions, and some even meet in secret to discuss armed resistance, or flight. The Nazis are worried. Someone important, someone the Jews will trust, is badly needed to assuage their fears.
Rudolf Kastner is attractive to the Nazis. He is the representative in Hungary of the Jewish Agency of Palestine, and the de facto head of its Rescue Committee. He is a member of David Ben-Gurion’s Mapai party, which controls the Jewish government in Palestine, with British blessing. The Jews of Hungary are isolated and without connections. But Kastner has connections. Lots. And the Nazis are very nice to Dr. Rudolf Kastner. So the Jewish leaders in Hungary defer to Kastner. Maybe he can do something, they think. The Nazis are thinking the same: Kastner can do something. But for them it means the opposite.

What is the most important lesson, here?
The most important lesson, here, is that the Israeli government that defended Rudolf Kastner to protect itself is the same Israeli government that is getting ready to cleanse all remaining Jews from the disputed territories, give these territories to the PLO/Hamas, hand the Golan to Syria, and sit tight while another anti-Jewish Holocaust develops.
The Israeli government is run by the same Labor Zionist tradition. The Irgunist/Revisionist/Herut -- and later Likud -- tradition pretty much died as a true continuation of the Jabotinsky movement with the passing of Menachem Begin. As discussed in Part 3 of this series, the recent Likudist leaders have actually been the strongest backers of the Oslo ‘peace’ process that David Ben-Gurion protégé Shimon Peres launched, and this Oslo process will soon complete the destruction of Israel.
This is the most important lesson: just as the Nazis needed Rudolf Kastner to distract and reassure the Hungarian Jews, so do the forces that would now destroy the Israeli Jews need Ehud Olmert or any of the main current pretenders to the Israeli prime ministership to distract and dupe the Israelis -- and to repress any protest, too -- while the next slaughter, due very soon, is being prepared.
This is a very difficult lesson for Jews to learn because they don’t know the above history, educated as they have been by the leaders of Labor Zionism, who to this day control most of the major Jewish organizations in the Diaspora, as well as the Israeli government, the Israeli education system, and the Israeli media. And it is difficult to learn because they would rather cling to their illusions than to their very lives. As George Santayana correctly said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The Jews are about to repeat their own tragic past.
Is this inevitable? Well no. But without a revolution, it is a certain outcome. If the Israeli Jews simply trust that their so-called leaders will defend them, or that their Diaspora brethren will come in a white horse to rescue them, their fate will be identical to that of the Hungarian Jews in WWII.
The Hungarian Jews trusted. And they died.

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