Friday, February 23, 2007

The Stooge Puppet Minister of Israel

It is no surprise to many of us who know what is going on.
What is surprising is that so many miss this, still in their delusion that the U.S. is 'good' for Israel.
I ask the comatose crowd;
Has the Road Map brought one good thing to Israel ?

Shortly after Condi Rice leaves Israel ,the orders are sent out.
Olmert quickly talked about his dream of a Palestinian state.
Peretz pushes for the ethnic cleansing of all Jews from the West Bank beginning with outposts, and today Olmert sends out the order to ease security inspections on Arabs
and increase hours of operation at a Gaza crossing attacked often by the Islamic terrorists president Bush is so keen to assist.
Business takes precedent over Jewish lives in the Bush White House

Make no mistake about it, President Bush and his loyal puppet have much innocent Jewish blood on their hands.

Some of us know who rules over the vassal state of Israel.
All of this happens immediately after Rice has paid a visit

1.Olmert; My Vision of a Palestinian State
(spoken right after Sec.Rice left Israel),7340,L-3368104,00.html

2.Ease security inspections at airports,Olmert orders,7340,L-3368739,00.html
3.Peretz ,next step;outpost evacuation,7340,L-3368632,00.html
4.Olmert orders operating hours extended at Karni crossing
5.Olmert talked about his dream of a Palestinian state immediatly after Rice left Jerusalem.
Did anyone catch this ?
Can anybody see the speedy religious devotion and obedience Israel's leaders have to their lord.
It's been the same thing every time there is a high level visit to Israel from the U.S.
Israel is pressured to act while the Palestinian terrorist groups are not presured whatsoever.
Those of you who do not hear what is spoken in secret ,you can see it's effects after the mistress of the master leaves


  1. You do excellent work Marcel! I would like to speak with you.

    How do I contact you?

    kol tuv,

    Michael Travis

  2. I work with Christian groups (and a few Jewish ones.....and I am Israeli!) in an effort to bring about an understanding of the threat posed by Islam to this Republic and it's people. We (AmericasTruthForum.Com) have held a series of Symposiums in an effort to educate the public also.

    Check out our site (above)also;

    I have have received a very good response to your articles that I have forwarded to like minded folks.

    It's up to you Marcel, I believe that it's better for everyone involved to get to know each other.

    Tyranny and Islam is far better organised that the Righteous (Tzedakim).....,and that is truly unfortunate.

    Kol tuv,

    Michael Travis

  3. I totally agree with you Marcel. Bush is a Satan worshipping, America hating, Islamist. Plaut is a CFR bootlicker.....Paul Eidelberg has the right idea with a Constitution...he just hasn't grasped the reality of the situation.....The CFR/UN-EU coalition wants us dead. There is no time for parliamentary niceties...Israel is on it's last legs and it's politicians, most of them anyway, must be removed. (It is rumoured that Olmert took a paltry 18 Million dollars to sell out his country)

    My friend Dr.Paul Willams is speaking at the Intel Summit in Florida (in ten days)and he pulls very few punches. People are usually gasping for air when he accuses Bushki of participating in the ethnic cleansing of Christians from the middle-east.....which is true.

    I served 21 years in our defence has left me a bit brusque and uncomfortably honest. Bush the ruler of Babylon has ushered in an era when 14 year old Christians are crucified in Iraq, and 300,000 have fled to Syria to save their lives.

    Islam has the full resources of the Gog-Bushki Government at it's beckon call.

    Turkey was not "Islamic" until Bushkinsky made it so. Iraq was not Islamic, and as a matter of fact, Saddam was Islam's greatest enemy.....until the Satan worshiping, muslim-fag kissing George W. Bush changed things at the request of his queer bosses over in Mecca.

    Syria stands alone as a non-Islamic arab country in a sea of Jihad........I wonder what Bush has in store for that sad (once half-Christian) country???

    Kol tuv,


  4. Michael,
    I never heard of you ,who are you with ?
    So many rats in Israel starting with Olmert on down, you never know who you're dealing with ???

    The leading Zionists groups are dead and empty and suffer from delusion.
    I've dealt with alot of them and they like Netanyahu are phony stooges of U.S. policy or spineless cowards who are willing to throw jabs at Omlert but afraid to say anything about their god George Bush who pulls Olmert's strings.

    So ,I have a low opinion of most of them.

    I checked out America's Truth Forum and it's sad the silence of so called supporters of Israel when it comes to the Road Map and the one who divides Israel.
    Why don't they speak out against the hypocrisy of Bush as he rewards Islamic terrorism and punishes Jewish settlers with his Road Map?
    Why didn't they have an article about the U.S. trampling Israel's sovereignty with Bushs' witch Condi Rice's dictatorial decrees against Israel ?
    Islam,Europe,Israel can say no to ,but NOT the U.S.
    The slave state of Israel has been trojan horsed by the U.S.peace agenda and almost all Zionists are comatose quiet.
    It's worse than sad.
    jodie,batallion of deborah, like so many she is going to the wolf for help guardinbg the hen house.
    A waste of time her knesset christian group.
    They accomplish nothing of substance.
    I have been warning Israel and blind Christians about the danger of this evil president.
    What has Batallion,AFSI and other zionist groups accomplished ?
    Not even their whole political clout from a supposed friendly president can get Jonathan Pollard released. WORTHLESS,WORTHLESS !!
    As a whole Israel and the blind Christians are content to lick President Bush's boots rather than seperate from this corrupt, evil destroyer of Israel and seek God alone.
    Michael Freund and his ilk won't even come out against Bush and his Road Map .
    The majority of Zionist groups are worthless and pathetic cowards as they ignore whay I have been writing choosing rather to be boot lickers of the devil who divides their land.

    If you have passed on what I have written ,the great majority will ignore it and continue to bury their heads in the sand.

  5. Good rant, marcel.

    Not to denigrate the gentleman who posted, but do not forget God is fully capable of protecting His people Israel. He that keepeth Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

    He does not need US Christians to fight for them. In fact, all He asked us to do is pray for the peace of Jerusalem and love His brothers, the Jews. It is necessary that they go through this to fulfill some prophecy and dispel some persistent myths. Yes, warn people what is happening, but do not think it can be stopped now. The time for that has long passed.

    Many have been speaking out on Bush since 2002, if not earlier, and, like you said, they were ignored or pounded into silence. All they spoke of is coming to pass now. Had they heeded then, maybe, big MAYBE, God would have spared us.

    As far as protecting Arab Christians, I've heard this again from more than one source. And again, God is quite capable of handling His business. What we forget is persecution is the NORMAL state for believers, not the exception. Did not Jesus say the world will hate us? Why then are we shocked and appalled when we see it happening?

    Answer: Cuz we are fat and happy in America, secure in the myth that it is a 'Christian country'. I've covered this before, but suffice it to say there is NO historical or documentary proof we were ever a Christian theocratic society, In fact, they went out of their way to NOT have an official religion. But this apostasy is being used by Satan to keep us fighting FLESH AND BLOOD, while the spirits behind it go unchallenged.

    Thus we stand at the brink of WW3, against yet another Islamic nation. Satan's symphony about to start. Quiet in the cheap seats.

    Marcel, you do not need to be legitimized by anyone but God. You do fine, for the most part. The only thing I would caution is to beware of pushing a works-based agenda. There's nothing WE can do to 'help God' along, and He does not ned our help. All He needs is our obedience and trust.


  6. And by works based I refer to the idea that simple things like posting commandments, or having state prayer in schools, or banning gays, will somehow reverse the slide. Many are preaching this, and they seem to not understand that works are filthy rags. If the Commandments were made law of the land tomorrow, it would not stop it, because without Christ, the Law merely condemns. It does not save. It was never meant to save, but to show us how far short of God we fall.

    I mentioned before OT Israel had God in their very midst, and even THEY could not keep the Law. Much less can modern, secular, atheistic men keep it, and it won't keep them from hell anyway. He that breaks one command breaks them all. Given our love of money in America, we already blew command number one without even trying.

    God is not mocked by unbelievers pretending to be righteous, so pushing a law based solution simply insults Him, and says we can ADD TO the work of Christ by making everyone 'be good'. I daresay it'll hasten judgment, if nothing else.

    All of it stems from the saviour nation theology. Jesus will not rule from Washington DC. He says several times His seat is Jerusalem, forever. So I don't see where America fits in that, other than to call God a liar.


  7. A.F. ,E.L.,
    I agree with you on everything you mentioned.
    I often use the idol worshiper patriotic american christian's own yardstick to reveal to them their miserable failure to accomplish anything.
    I remind them that they were decieved and used by their boy in power and need to repent for putting their trust in the flesh.
    Jeremiah 17;5
    Most of them are in la la land and don't want to leave.
    They are delusional and are scornful of me for telling them the truth and warning them.
    Thank You !

  8. I keep you in prayer, dude. You are doing a hard job very well, and obviously people are reading it.

    It is strange that God must raise up nobodies to speak out, cuz our leaders REFUSE, I say REFUSE, to call out Bush by name. It's like a mass delusion. All the man said was Jesus is his favorite philospher on some obscure interview, and it bought the very soul of Christians. No matterh ow much bad fruit came out, much of it documented and proven, they made excuses or ignored it, cuz he was a Republcan, and God is a Republican, too.

    BTW--when you find the verse that says that, lemme know. I ain't found it. God doesn't NEED to vote, whether right or left.

    That said, he's made NO SECRET of his wish to divide the Land, and Jer 50/51 says he will do it with violence, as he seeks his 'legacy' amid the rubble of his failures thus far. I am curious how many 'Christians' will STILL defend him then. I fear a great many, because they do not understand the place of Israel in the heart of God. Again, the assumption that Jesus will rule from Washington DC, so Jerusalem is a non-issue now, right?

    But keep saying the name. Even John the Baptist called out Herod, Moses did it to Pharoah, and Nathan did it to David. It is not a sin to call out the leaders when they transgress. The people that tell you that simply want ot sav face cuz they bought into the man's lies, and God forbid they repent. Easier to tell you to shut up and quote obscure verses to silence you. Been there done that. No lightning has hit me yet. But funny how the Bible Belt is getting creamed by the weather of late. You notice that? So WHO needs to 'shut up'?

    Be strong, my friend. I can tell you know who I am by now, and that's cool. Just keep it between us. :)

  9. Thanks ,
    I appreciate your prayers and insight.
    God always does the same .
    If a nobody Christian gets popular with the world it's bad sign.
    I think the fear of men and income shortfall hinders many Christian hireling from speaking the truth.
    The feigned love is easier to do than speak the hard truth that offends so many terminally offended religious folk.
    The America Christians were tested as God tests all His people and instead of seeking God by the power of prayer ,they chose to stand with their Replacement lord.
    They flunked the test and don't even know it.
    The strong delusion is here.
    Good point on the bible belt weather.
    I know God will get the attention of His own as this is always what it takes to wake up we the sheeple who forget who our Shepherd is.
