Thursday, May 10, 2007

Leave Or We Will Behead You

The failed U.S. agenda has only worsened things everywhere from Israel and the failed Road Map to Iraq to the growing malaise here in the U.S.
Blind Christians have always called him the lesser of two evils or the man for this hour ,but he has always been the judgment on this nation president.
His name is disaster upon disaster.
All this President can do to save his reputation is lie ....... or dig the pit deeper than it is already.
I believe he will make things even worse than he has already made them.
His heart is heardened and he leads this nation off a cliff.
There is no hope in any man,woman or political solution for what ails this country.
Here is something the U.S media will not tell you that the Bush war has brought to the Christians of Iraq.
From bad to worse..........

.....Convert or else

If you are a Christian and you want to keep living in Dora, you must convert to Islam. Not only that, you must also cooperate with al-Qaeda in Iraq, and must accept al-Qaeda refugees into your house when they are trying to escape hot pursuit. If you refuse, you will be killed.

By some perverted math, al-Qaeda in Iraq has established that if you don't want to convert, you must pay $1,600 per person - plus the assurance that you won't denounce anything concerning al-Qaeda in Iraq's activities. Residents confirm that "some people paid" and are still in Dora. But "some converted"; recently there has been talk of 24 men, six women and three girls who did so. What is certain is that the majority of Christians have left. Amel Zaya paid $7,600 to Jobouri to stay in Dora with her family, and also for "protection". She now runs a restaurant.

So how is the US occupation army reacting to all this madness? The bombastic way. Less than two weeks ago, the Buaitha area of Dora was subjected to an artillery barrage and no fewer than 24 explosions from US Base Falcon - in broad daylight. There's no evidence that al-Qaeda in Iraq has been debilitated by this "tactic" - not exactly the subtlest way to fight confessional cleansing and win hearts and minds.


  1. This just helps expose the true spirit of the Bush administration. They talk a good talk and promise to veto the God hating "hate crime" bill. Conversly, in the 2 nations we "freed" Afghanistan and Iraq, Christians are murdered and driven out. What freedom we have bought with the blood of our youth.

  2. How have you been ?
    I've thought many times about just ending this blog ,but for now I sputter on.

    Sadly ,too many doubleminded U.S. Christians who put idols before God don't love the truth enough to see what you see.
    They ignore or cover up anyting that may stain their idol and their religion is based on lies and denial.
    They are positivly under a very strong delusion sent by God and there is not much hope they will wake up untill it is too late.
    They've fallen for this phony war on terror and think God is on our side .He is not !
    Joshua 5; 13-15 is a great revelation on whose side God is on.
