Friday, May 11, 2007

speeding up

Since last week when I posted 'U.S. trampling Israel's sovereignty' so much has happened here in the U.S.
From the major tornado that leveled a whole town to the fires in the east and west to the floods in Misourri.
Islamic terrorists caught in preperation for an attack on Fort Dix ,N.J.
What's next ?
I've heard some talk on the recent big gamma ray burst from the sun which some say may lead to a major earthquake within a week.
They say the same thing happened just before the major quake off the coast of Sumatra on Dec 26,2004 that sent the tsunami which killed close to half a million people.
While the blind experts blame Global warming on men and their carbon use ,they miss what is happening with the SUN.
Truly they walk in darkness and cannot see what is approaching them and this earth.

I also heard someone say that the Revelation vials have begun to be poured out
It does seem we have reached the end of the road and hopefully the end of the Bush Road Map to hell for Israel.
Such ,evil ,such treachery has it's reward.
Does anyone who is watching closely not see that we are on a collision course with God and that this arrogant nation is about to be reduced to rubble ?
The handwriting is all over the place not just on the wall.


  1. Marcel-
    The Revelation vials have not begun to be poured out yet as Daniels 70th week has yet to begin but we are very, very close. The first thing are the breaking of the seals, which will begin when Israel signs an agreement with the 10 nation confederation headed by anti-christ which kicks off the seven years of the 70th week.

    Get Ready! as the time is upon us and the Church needs to be prepared for what is about to break over the earth and upon us!

    Please read "The Sign" by Robert Van Kampen for a biblical roadmap for what is about to happen. In its pages are contained God's truth about the end times using the scriptures. With so much false teaching to the Church in this regard, it is a book by which God is telling His people to prepare for what is happening.


  2. Sorry CH ,
    I used to go along with the standard rote of the blind leading the blind.
    The covenant with many is already happening with Bush and his Road Map.
    The Quartet is the many and the false peace agenda is already under way.
    It will be tweaked a bit more ,but the process has already begun under the devil's ambassador in Wshington ,his false peace maker now in power.
    For the life of my I can't believe how you and so many look ahead when it is happening right now under our nose for some time.
    Remember that the Oslo proces wa signed on the white house lawn in 1993 and has evolved into the U.S.led Road Map.
    Is it because it is Babylon USA which is playing the most evil part against Israel ?
    It's no wonder the U.S. is in God's crosshairs

    I dosen't say 10 in Daniel.
    I don't let these experts lead me astray anymore,thenak God !
    Give up on these confusion book writers and what they wrongly assume.
    I would encourage you to ONLY trust the Lord Jesus and His word.

  3. Marcel,

    You are spot on in your response above. Always be wary of ANYONE who says, "read this book..." when the book they refer too is not THE BOOK --> The Holy Word of Yahweh. Too many people want to read a book about the bible instead of reading the is one reason that the "christian world" is in such a state of apostasy.

    Keep watching and reporting!


  4. "There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword, But the tongue of the wise brings healing." Proverbs 12:18

    It is interesting how angry you sound, how rash and quick to judge and condemn another's words without understanding them. That is a reflection of the heart that is within you.

    It is fine to have zeal, provided you are standing on truth. It is quite another thing to swing so recklessly with the sword in the name of Christ, slashing and twising. Peter did the same thing, you know and it was not in Christ's cause. In His name, but not in His cause.

    You can have all the truth in the world, but if you've missed love, you have nothing and you are nothing. Remember that first, or else you will miss Him completely.

    It is important to remember we are on the same team. I will post this and conclude in another post.

  5. The 10 nation confederacy of Anti-Christ: found in Daniel 7: 19-25, Daniel 2:41-43 and Revelations 13:1-8 all make reference to 10 kings, represented by toes or crowns or diadems. From this will rise the anti-christ as Scripture clearly teaches.

    Secondly, from Ezekiel 37-39, we know definitively the geography of where these nations come from: Magog, Meshech, Tubal, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greco-Syrian, Ethiopian, Put, Gomer & Togarmah. So the nations are located in or near present day: Russia or Russian satellite nations, Germany, Iraq, Iran, Meshech(western Russia), Tobolsk (west-central Russia), Syria, Ethiopia, Libya, Ukraine, Turkey.

    Sorry guys, using scripture as our guide, the US is simply not very important to anti-christs reign and end time events. Satan has certainly used this nation greatly to bring about end time events and to do great damage to Israel, but our usefulness is almost done, and soon we will fade in great measure from the important stage of world events.

    It is simply silly and without any supporting Biblical scripture to say that the US and the Quartet are part of the anti-christs coalition against Israel. If you haven't already noticed, the Quartet gimmick has already grown stale, and now we are on to the "Arab Quartet".

  6. ""It is interesting how angry you sound, how rash and quick to judge and condemn another's words without understanding them. That is a reflection of the heart that is within you.""

    If you think I am angry, look around and see how angry God is.

    Those who maintain a normal,everything is allright facade as this dark hour and abnormal time where good is evil and evil is good ,and the strong delusion has infected the house of God I wonder greatly about them.
    Those who mourn and sigh and cry and are angry with the evil are better to stand with in this battle than those who are religious and comfortable with this evil world system.
    I do wonder about those who are not angry.
    The globalists and pharma drug pushers have neutered the vast majority who are already in an irreversible coma.
    I'm angry and I believe it is a good sign for the times we live in. God's love will give way to His wrath in this hour we live in.
    In wrath ,remember mercy.
    You are quick to judge me because I warn you about following the blind guides.
    This is not good.
    The 'covenant with many' mentioned in Daniel is not the same as the 10.
    The Babylonian U.S. is the mother of the anti-christ agenda uopn the earth right now.
    It is 'Christian' Bush who pushes a 100% New world anti-christ agenda and the Church is worthless,comatose without salt.
    The book writers point to the E.U. while it is the U.S. and an imposter prince of peace which divides Israel with his phony peace agenda which rewards the enemies of God.
    The arab peace gestures are only a prelude to war nothing more.
    The rider on the white horse who goes out conquering and to conquer has aleardy conquered Afghanistan and Iraq ,when he goes after Iran ,this will unleash the red horse rider with sword.
    Revelation 6 ;2-4
    This is how close we are to the tribulation period.
    Those Christians who are on the wide path are unaware and will be caught in the snare.
    Mnay will fall away when the rapture does not happen when they wrongly assumed it would.They have been decieved by the blind hired shepherds and book sellers.

  7. ***The first thing are the breaking of the seals, which will begin when Israel signs an agreement with the 10 nation confederation headed by anti-christ which kicks off the seven years of the 70th week.***

    The bible does not say this.

    When God breaks the seals, a man rides out on a horse. All the riders are MEN.

    That said, in order for the covenant to be confirmed, the AC has to be in a position to confirm it, thus the AC has to be IN POWER first.

    Bush is NOT the AC, NOR does the bible say the AC even rides first.

    The AC is a man of PEACE, not WAR. Many think he will be easily spotted because of his warlike agenda and horns and scales. The last thing he wants is WAR. He will be so smooth and suave he will almost deceive the elect. He will be very attractive to the world, even LOVED.

    Having said that, look at the description of the first rider. Then look at our President:

    **Rev 6:2 And I saw, and behold a white horse:**

    White horse symbolizes a hero of some type. He will promise to bring some sort of great era to the world(freedom and democracy to the mid east?)

    **and he that sat on him had a bow;**

    Bow = toxon. Two levels of meaning. Bow without arrows is power over military assets. Command over arrows(ballistic missiles).

    Bow also means travailing(birth). He will be responsible for getting the Rev scenario started.

    **and a crown was given unto him:**

    This one is a kicker. He is given a crown. The crown here is 'stephanos', a crown given to a victor in a RACE. Elections are 'races'.

    Bush was given the Presidency by the Supreme Court in 2000, tho he lost the popular vote. First time ever in US history the Judicial Branch awarded a presidency.

    **and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.**

    He is conquering, and about to conquer. Before we went into Iraq, we were already mopping up Afghanistan. His agenda is war to bring peace(remember the white horse)

    Yeah, it may not be what we've read by popular prophecy authors, but look around. Obviously some sort of prophetic script is being played out in America. No reason whatsoever Bush cannot fit, given the strange convergence of things that have happened since he took office, starting with 9/11.

  8. BTW-each rider is judgment.

    The first judges our lack of discernment and our false worship of men.(Bush)

    The second judges the world for it's treatment of Israel(thru war).

    The third judges the world's worship of money.

    The fourth. Ahh, the fourth. He is a strange one. There is actually TWO people there. The rider himself, and hell following him.

    This is TWO people brought forth for some final agenda, not just one. Interesting that the fifth seal focusses on martyred believers. It is after the fourth one rides that suddenly we see mass martyrdom of Christians.

    Do we forget the AC has a partner in crime, the False Prophet? Two riders = two men.

    Not saying for sure this is it, but just throwing it out there. It is interesting how different the fourth one is from the previous ones.

    1. He has a partner.

    2. He is the only one given a actual NAME (Death)

    3. He is the final rider.

    4. Martyrs are shown in the next seal.

    It is like the Spirit is drawing our attention to this one for some reason. Why do you suppose that is?

  9. Orwell speak today = War is peace ,peace is war,good is evil ,evil is good.
    The false peacemaker who brings peace with his Road Map is really bringing war as his LIBERATION war in Iraq has brought only chaos ,death and destruction and no freedom or democracy.

    CONFUSION AND DECEPTION are the order of the day.
    I' msure when great destruction falls upon the earth ,the sheep will follow anyone .
    It will be easy to be loved as A.C.
    His lies will melt their blind hearts.
    Look at how the fools love a Obama or a Romney ,Hillary.
    It does not take much to decieve the masses now ,think how much easier it will be when the panic and madness set in.
    PBS has an ongoing series on the hidden papers of the Rome Inquisition released by the poop in 98'.
    The martyrdom of a monk and student in Vicenza for having unapproved books was a kicker.
    It won't take much to return to another Inquisition.

  10. The Poop? HA!

    May I use that?
