Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Same Devil at Work

Do you remember during the holocaust how the German guards worked to keep the unsuspecting Jews headed for the Zyklon B showers from panicking ,easing their fears of the imminent unknown ?
They told them what they wanted to hear ,that everything was fine and not to worry,just a qucik shower and on to their new habitation's
I see the same process at work today in America.
The reality of what is going on is downplayed or completely ignored.
Even religious leaders compliment the amoral,perverse state with their utmost, blind loyalty as they herd their own sheep to certain death.
We do hear more about the trivial nonsense from the government media office of propaganda such as O.J. Simpson and his problems.
While the political establishment wreck's what is left of sound governement and destroy the economy and sell out Israel to their Arab death partners for greedy gain ,the sheep are corraled and herded for slaughter by the wolves of Washington who masquerade as nice honest sincere politician who only want to help us.
And again the sheep, so near death are believing the lie that they have everything in control.


  1. I do not believe any man-made lie. I see how there is an Emergency coalition being formed now to keep Jerusalem 'Jewish'. Oh if only their eyes would be opened and they could see that it is not by human might that His Will will be accomplished.

  2. emergency coalition only forming now ?
    Too little too late ,the blind leaders of the blind were too busy licking the shoes of their god and master George who they assumed would bring peace to Israel with his phony peace scheme.
    Now they awaken ?
    Only God will save Israel ,Her leaders are ALL blind.
