Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We Believe Lies & Delusion

Kosovo Independence or seeds of destruction ?
"We confirmed our principled position on the unacceptability of unilateral actions by Pristina declaring its independence," the Russian foreign ministry said in a statement, following talks between Mr Lavrov and Ms Rice.
"We underlined the dangerous consequences of such a step, which threatens the destruction of world order and international stability which have developed over decades," the statement said.
It added that the telephone conversation was initiated by Washington.
Bush backs Kosovo
The Russian warning came just hours after President Bush said the US would soon establish full diplomatic relations with Kosovo.
Speaking during a visit to Tanzania, Mr Bush said there was "a disagreement but we believe as many other nations do that history will prove this to be the correct move."
The president said the US supported Kosovo's independence because "we believe it will bring peace".

'We Believe' ?
I don't !
How many others are under this strong delusion which drives Mr. Bush to make deadly miscalculations ?

Peace is not the fruit of rebellion and lawlessness against the God of creation by the loosely united/divided nation's and egotistical men and their demon inspired dreams.
Just as God ended the first united world venture,Nimrod's Babel World Order, he will also end President Bush's ungodly globalist agenda.
It is he who raises up our enemies to bring His judgment on this nation which has turned it's back on Him.
We are no better than ancient Israel before God raised up a great world empire,Nebuchadnezzar,King of Babylon to defeat and humble His own people who turned their back's on Him.
America will be humbled to the dust.
History is repeating itself as the modern day Persians and their allies prepare to end our short reign at the top of the pile of manure.
The New Babel world order which assumes to divide Israel and birth another bastard child as we see with Kosovo will bring everything but peace.

The seed's of a major war and great destruction have been planted by those who believe their own lies and delusion.
Their blind arrogance drive's them into the final chapter of man's rule on earth, God's judgment.

It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in men. Pslam 118:8


  1. Marcel the Lord gave me a word this morning its on my blog I wanted to share it with you and I don't have your e-mail.
    God Bless

  2. As in the days of old, the chess pieces are being placed on the board which is planet earth. It looks as if man is in control and moving making the decisions. It is an illusion of the tallest order.

    He who sits in the heavens laughs at the promises of our current and potential leaders in our national elections.

    Like the Prophets of old who were told of things to come before they happened, there are those who desire to know the mind of God living today.

    Like a fly on a wall or a mouse in a hole listening to the most secret plans of man and leaders of governments, God is revealing His purposes to those who stay close to Him.

    It is all leading up to the great showdown in the Valley of Jehosaphat where He will put a hook in the nose of the nations and drag them to the great battle.

    I believe Satan himself is even anxiously awaiting that great day of battle. In his blind hatred of God and His chosen, he actually thinks he can win!

    We live in the days the Prophets only dreamed of. We will get to see the great deliverances of God for His people. Although we may be worn down and power is given to the beast to wear down the saints of the Most High for a season, we know who wins this battle. It is time to prepare for His great day of judgment upon the earth.
    jrpeacher mtzion@hughes.net

  3. spoken so well.
    Reading David's Pslam'S 65-68 and so many others are strong encouragement as is the reality of how all this rebellion of man is short lived and soon to end.

    I believe the seeds of Kosovo will bring nothing but nation against nation as Jesus warned and nothing good.
    Our blind leaders are leading many to great misery and destruction.
    Let God arise ,let His enemies be scattered as David wrote.
    We are living in the awesome culminitation of time as you said !
    Let the Kingdom of God and our Deliverer ,Messiah Jesus be our one and only sure hope and desire because this temporary habitation and location is about to suffer great upheavel.

  4. Christians in Kenya have been "advised" by Chairman Bushki to "share power" with the Islamic forces that have spent the last three months burning the faithful alive in their churches.

    The elected [Christian] government of Ivory Coast has been under a crippling trade embargo imposed by the American President. The government has been ordered to dis-arm it's military and stop protecting it's citizens from the invaders from the North.

    The American President and his poodle Condi have warned Israel of grave consequences if they defend their population from the Ishmaelites who have launched over 3,000 missiles against the Jews of Southern Israel over the past 12 months. Bushki and Rice have convinced the traitor Olmert to allow NATO troops (Shade of Yugoslavia?) to occupy Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip....as proof of the New World Order's supremacy over G_d's Holy Covenant.

    Surely "peace" is at hand.

    Baruch Ha'Shem


  5. "I kept looking ,and that horn was waging war with the saints and overpowering them "
    Daniel 7:21
    We are living in the days which Daniel saw and wrote about.
    The enemies of God are wearing down the saints ,but hold on God is faithful and will turn the darkness into day at the time of His choosing.
    Faith in Him will get us thru as He alone is worthy of our praise and worship.
    We look for a better home and kingdom as tghis present one is fading away,decaying.
    When Messiah Jesus returns He will remove all of Israel's enemies and bring about the promise of true peace and no more curse upon this earth.
    Man and His feeble efforts only brings war and destruction and thank God man's 6 thousand year lease to rule on this earth is about to expire !
