Sunday, March 02, 2008

International Hypocrisy

The war which the Bush Road Map no peace process birthed is now begun in Gaza and soon to spread to Lebanon,Syria ,Iran,Russia ,ect.
The lie of peace was only meant to weaken Israel and keep them from defeating an ever growing threat to their survival.
Israel's record of quick and decisive defeats of all Arab armies after every war they started to destroy the non moslem Jewish nation had to be stopped and this is the part the U.S. played as friend and ally to keep Israel from ever defeating another arab nation.
Remember ,it was the U.S. with the French who came to the rescue of Hezbollah in Lebanon in the summer of 2006 by introducing the ceasefire resolution to the UN just as the Israel Defense Forces finally made ground against the Iranina proxy army in Lebanon.
Israel was made to retreat just before victory by her false ally and number one hypocrite nation on the earth.
The EU and UN are quick to use the charge against Israel of using 'disproportinate force' against the Islamic terrorists of Gaza who fire their Kassem and Grad rockets indiscrimanently against Israeli civilian targets.
The only country which the nations direct this charge against is Israel.
It was first used by the U.S. as a way of keeping Israel restrained and limited and far away from the simple military concept of defeating her deadly enemies ,the Palestinian front line Islamic army.
The same US which used disproportinate force starting with the American Indian's to Hiroshima,to Dresden to Vietnam to Panama to Grenada to Iraq and Afghanistan and everywhere in between.
America ,you are the biggest hypocrite nation which has hindered Israel from defeating it's avowed enemies under the lie of peace and therefore your judgment will be greater.
The U.S. always uses 'disproportinate force' against the Afghan and Iraqi Islamic terrorists as do Britan and every other nation on this earth.
The Turks used 'disproportinate force' against the Kurds in Iraq last week and not one protest .
Israel alone is targeted by all the evil nations of the world to keep Israel from once again defeating another Arab threat against her survival.
It's their way of getting points with the Islamic (oil )world at Israel's expense.
The Holy One of Israel will repay the hypocrites for the evil double standard they hold against Israel alone.
They willingly throw Israel to the wolves as a sacrifice to to the demon god allah of the moslems,but it is they who will will receive what they intend for Israel.
Here are some pictures you will not find in the evil globalist media which always protrays the cursed Palestinias as victims instead of the intolerant instigators and jihadist's whose primary and open goal is Israel's destruction .
This satanic goal which the world is aware of is acceptable to them as they once again attempt to restrain Israel from victory over Hamas in Gaza.


  1. Amen to this Marcel, but God Himslef will come to the defense of Israel ...couldn't get to the link will try again later.
    If the Arabs were bombing our villages on a daily basis, would we sit idly by and say, "oh we just need more diplomacy"..gime a break...I wish Israel would awaken and tell America to go jump in the lake and defend herself..but it's not to be, it's part of the deception, God has blinded the eyes...but not for to much longer Praise His Holy Name.
    God Bless

  2. What always astounds me is the very poor PR response from Israel, whenever Israel is forced to respond to the 'Philistines' provocations, when Israel is forced to take some form of military action to protect its citizens from these Gaza rockets.

    But, look at all the media exposure the Hamas militants continually get, *declaring*, that they and their children's fondest wish, is to die as martyrs.

    The repeated rocket attacks....
    Hamas fire the rockets into Israel.

    Israel responds with punitive actions.

    The palestinians then cry, "Look the Israelis!!! They are killing us!!!!"

    The Israel media response is usually, "We are are very sorry for any civilian casualties. We always try to target militants."

    The proper Israeli PR response should be [something like],
    "If you *remember* Hamas, are always telling the world they wish to die as martyrs for Allah.
    If they try to kill our citizens, and we kill their martyrs in return, what are the palestinians weeping about????
    They declare to the whole world that they WANT TO DIE as martyrs.
    And if they persist in their efforts to kill Israeli citizens, well, we can help them.
    If Hamas and their supporters in Gaza, do not wish to die as martyrs after all, SIMPLE, stop attacking Israel, and her citizens."

    palestinians seek martyrdom

    ISLAM......a false religion, for a false people.

  3. This is the way God will bring all the nations to the valley of Jehoshaphat for judgment.
    The scapegoat Jew have always been oposed by this world and no matter what Israel enemies do ,Israel is to blame.
    God see's the hypocrisy of the nations as they always fund and support the bad behaviour of the Palestinian terrorist's and paint them as innocent victim's while the outnumbered Jews are forced to surrender what little land they have to them ,a reward for their terrorism against Israel.
    The arrogance of the US in setting up a Palestinian state will be met with the division of our own nation .Cut in pieces as Zechariah 12:3 warns those who assume to divide His land to His enemies.
    The trap is set and the Nations will soon form their Coalition of the willing to come against Israel.
    The birds are ready for their great feast of flesh and Israel will no longer be the tail of the nations but the head.

  4. I fear that Jeremiah 51:8-15 and Revelation 18 are what the United States faces if we do not abruptly change course regarding Israel. The angel in charge of Israel has to be getting weary from the battle! I think of the angelic being that was delayed when he went to give the Prophet Daniel an answer from Heaven to his prayers.

    This nation has been invaded before; 1812 the British burned the White House. If not for the intervention of God we would be speaking Japanese on the West Coast of America.

    Our border leaks like a seive, both north and south; the enemy is already here waiting for the signal to begin the battle as we sit watching American Idol and wait at the drive through at McDonalds for our happy meal.

    I feel we do not have to wait for judgment, it is here. The nation has fallen into a stupor and like the citizens of Jerusalem as the enemy armies gathered outside of the gates ready to invade, we stand on our rooftops waiting to party! What blindness, what stupidity-this spirit of stupor has to be from the Almighty Himself. We are in the midst of the blindness do not even realize we cannot see!

    It is high time to get as close to God as we can. We need Him now more than ever.


  5. I agree... the only nation that gets the shaft is Israel. The term disproportinate force is the dumbest term in all of history. The US, EU, and UN are blasting Israel's response.. give me a break! The world powers are hypocritically blind.

    Only God can fix this and I pray he does it soon!

  6. Pride goes bvefore destruction.
    It is the devious and arrogant US President who always exerts extreme pressure on Israel to retreat from battle so his evil agenda against Israel is not threatened.
    Weak Israeli leaders like Olmert caannot say no and so God will again intervene and send the U.S. a message of His disapproval.
    Every time God rebukes America for her nefarious interference it is ignored and so the rebuke grows more severe .
    Waht will be God's response to America for again hindering Israel from defeating Islamic terrorists Hamas in Gaza while America continues it's long war against Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq ?
    The double standard of America against Israel to protect it's selfish Arab interests will be dealt with by God personally.

  7. Amen, what inspiring and encouraging comments .. I feel your passion for God and for Israel in them, God bless you all.
    what a day and an hour we are living in the American church is in a drunken self centered stupor..God help us all..

  8. Marcel, you really pack a punch. Yes, the church is asleep. Unfortunately they're in for a rude awakening and I believe that we are going to lose a large percentage of them. Now is the time to be awake and vigilant but they're too busy watching American Idol. Here in Australia, I believe it's worse. People are becoming so scared of being called 'Christian Conservative' that they are ready to compromise on just about every non-PC issue.
    I believe that the betrayal of our leaders of the nation of Israel along with so-called churches who do the same is going to bring the wrath of God down upon our nations. Unfortunately it's everyone who will suffer and not just the evil. If Israel weren't such a tiny sliver of land, we Conservatives could all migrate there en masse and get ready to fight alongside her. I for one would feel a lot safer there fighting for Israel than here in this God-forsaking land which can't begin to imagine what it means to fall into the hands of the living God!

  9. We're in the last war and by God's grace we will all have some punch.

    It's worse in israel .
    The socialist state rewards the terrorists at emperor Bush's request and oppress the observant Jews.
    The majority and the government left and right serve Satan's evil agenda.
    There is no salvation coming from the political sphere.
    Our only only hope is Messiah Jesus and the deliverance He brings.

    The corrupt evil governments are all rules by Satan's minion's.
    The wolf Bush alone has destroyed the conservative movement here in the U.S. and all we have are counterfeit's who have easily sold their souls for corrupt power and mammon.
    The same for Israel as weak,fearful,godless ,power hungry men are easliy seduced to bend their knee to hell as P.M. Olmert has done as Sharon ,Netanyahu and Barak have all done before.
    The dumb sheep are easliy conned and led to the pit by these shrewd devils who speak soft sugary words of false hope,false peace and feigned love.

    just received this email today and
    I think Jackie has some punch also.

    "Goats and Sheep" – "Wheat and Tares" – "Mixed Multitude" – The Bible's terms for professors vs. possessors of salvation. That is the sorry state of the church of Jesus Christ in the world today. The lines are being drawn and people calling themselves "Christian" are beginning to join ranks. Many on both sides of the salvation line have predicted a civil war in the church – it seems to be manifesting before our eyes, but there's nothing civil about it.
    Division in the visible Church – Division in "Christian" households – Division among friends – Division in ministries – Church Splits – all are occupational hazards! Truth divides – and error is divisive. The polarization taking place is healthy when goats are divided from sheep, but tragic when sheep are being divided by goats.
    There are many fronts in this uncivil war where goats kick sheep, sheep stampede and all step on one another. Skirmishes have happened throughout the history of the church, but of late things have really heated up....

    To continue reading go to link:
