Thursday, October 02, 2008


.....'We have come to a point in this country where police death squads in coal scuttle helmets, black armor and jack-boots strike the same terror and fear into the hearts of innocent law-abiding citizens that their counterparts of the SA and SS did in Nazi Germany. All that is missing is a crooked cross upon their helmets. State and local law enforcement agents are increasingly being made a part of a federal police state. Local law enforcement officers are being sworn as U.S. Marshals and are used to carry out the dictates of an increasingly totalitarian government.'

The law enforcement profession today resembles little the profession that I remember.


  1. know...I agree, when I was a child, the Chief of Police lived on the same block as we did. He would walk by our house each day and we would go to him and chat with him and he would take time to talk to us-and continue on his way to the station. The last time I was pulled over was late at night when I was going to pick up my daughter from work at a restaurant. Two very young officers with flashlights blazing looked all through my car and asked me questions I didn't feel comfortable answering. I was in my pajamas as I had just gotten out of bed to go pick her up. My dog was freaking out and the whole scene was just creepy. I'm not used to feeling creepy around those who are supposed to serve and protect. I believe those days are over for us commoners...I have to remind myself who they're really serving and protecting!!

  2. whadya expect since we kicked God out of school in 62 it's all been downhill since.
    Since we tore down his 10 commandments from every pubkic place ,you can see what has replaced the vacuum.
    The foundations have crumbled and the fascist police state must keep it together with fear and intimidation.
    Have you seen the black,shades of Nazi Germany uniforms ?
    A reprobate nation gets the same for leaders.
    Welcome to the New World Disorder
